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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Becoming a parent is a journey that begins long before birth: the couple's relationship evolves, hormones manifest themselves, the body changes, emotions follow one another… it's not nothing to carry a little being in the making!

Maternity is a key moment in a woman's life. From preconception to the baby's arrival, these stages mark the beginning of a new adventure, strewn with joy, doubts, but also fears.

Welcoming a little soul is quite a journey for its parents. This little soul arrives with its own energetic potential:

  • She chose her parents with specific energy potentials.

  • She is inherited from two lines: that of the mother and the father.

  • Its vibration will be the result of what it has received, of its initial potentials, even of previous life and of its future mission.

For a pregnant woman, taking care of her is important, even essential, to live a serene and harmonious pregnancy. An energy treatment is therefore perfectly indicated to welcome baby in the best conditions.

Les  energy treatments can be performed:

  • before design:  to favor it or for cause infertility

  • from the 4th month of pregnancy

  • to prepare for childbirth

  • during the adoption process

  • after the child arrives (for mom, dad and baby)

Before design

The history that is specific to us, just like that of the spouse, brings its share of wounds from our past, our ancestors, or previous lives. Fears, fears can then resurface.

In addition, the body's memory imprints certain painful events, in particular linked to certain previous problems (ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, etc.) andcause of infertility.

An energy session can soothe anxieties, fears, release transgenerational blockages or simply bring well-being.

This treatment is also suitable for preparing the body for IVF.

Energy care for pregnant women is beneficial throughout pregnancy. 

During pregnancy

Energy care for pregnant women allows, among other things, to relieve the ailments related to pregnancy (pain, insomnia, difficult digestion ...), to release fears related to motherhood, childbirth, education but also to support the evolution and the Yin energy (feminine) or to regulate the emotions.

The harmonization of the energy body will participate in a good balance, will give energy and vitality to the physical and energetic body, and will prepare it for childbirth.

During care,  the mother-child bond is strengthened. The baby receives the activated energy in the same way and will feel all the beneficial effects of this treatment. 

Indeed, during the session, it is a wonderful moment of well-being and communion with oneself and the future baby. This makes it possible to fluidify the energy communication and thus a more fluid communication is established with his child.



Energy care for pregnant women allows, among other things, to relieve the ailments related to pregnancy (pain, insomnia, difficult digestion ...), to release fears related to motherhood, childbirth, education but also to support the evolution and the Yin energy (feminine) or to regulate the emotions.

The harmonization of the energy body will participate in a good balance, will energize

ergie et vitality to the physical and energetic body, and will prepare it for childbirth.

During care,  the mother-child bond is strengthened. The baby receives the activated energy in the same way and will feel all the beneficial effects of this treatment. 

Indeed, during the session, it is a wonderful moment of well-being and communion with oneself and the future baby. This makes it possible to fluidify the energy communication and thus a more fluid communication is established with his child.



  • Ailments related to pregnancy: nausea, difficult digestion, stomach aches, ligament pain...

  • Emotional disorders: Fears, stress, anxiety, anxieties, lack of confidence

  • Sleep disorders: insomnia...

  • Back pain: sciatica, lumbago...

​ But also for:

  • Bring energy and vitality to the physical and energetic body

  • Get to know and feel your body better, listen to it,

  • Preparing for incarnation on earth

  • Preparing for childbirth

What happens during a session ?


I start the session with a moment of discussion;

then, the treatment lasts from 20 mins to 40 mins and ends with a time of "feedback", during which the patient shares his feelings.

The frequency of care will vary from person to person depending on their expectations and needs. 


+ info



1st session + 1h

Next session 35 to 40 mins

Number of session(s):1 to 6

  • During pregnancy (5th, 7th and 9th month): 3 sessions for mum

  • Post-natal: for mom, dad and baby 

Indicative price:

  • Active: €60/session

  • Unemployed person: 50€/session

  • PACKAGE 6 sessions : Possibility to pay in 3 instalments.

    • Active: €340 

    • Unemployed: €280

Remote care- Shift :

According to needs and on estimate.

Choisir RUBRIQUE :

Soins Thématiques


If you want to go further


Would you like more information?  Do not hesitate to contact  Contact me.



Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE

The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...


Le recours aux soins d'un praticien en thérapie alternative ne doit, en aucun cas, entrainer l'abandon ou la modification du traitement médical en cours, même si l'on constate une amélioration pendant ou après l'accompagnement. A ce titre, je suis déclarée et respecte une certaine déontologie : je respecte le secret professionnel.

Je ne formule pas de diagnostic, n’interrompt aucun traitement et ne m'oppose à aucune opération chirurgicale.

Je n'appartiens à aucun mouvement religieux, sectaire.

Je respecte les traditions et croyances de chacun. Me prévenir au préalable de toute contre-indications médicales.

Beaucoup attendent la pratique d'un thérapeute en médecine alternative comme le sauveur ! Je ne suis pas MAGICIENNE. Cette pratique est une aide, un accompagnement, un partage et un rééquilibrage d’énergie, pour que ses clients puissent s’accomplir. La réussite dépend avant tout de vous.

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Un praticien en thérapie alternative n'est ni un médecin, ni un pharmacien

Cette pratique n'est qu'un complément de la médecine traditionnelle et ne doit en aucun cas la remplacer. ​Le client devra obligatoirement consulter son médecin et suivre son traitement médical.


Aucune obligation de résultat, mais nous  nous engageons à faire notre maximum pour vous aider.

Pas de crédit, et aucun remboursement ne seront accordés. Le client est responsable de sa décision de me solliciter et accepte les mises en garde et les conditions générales.

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