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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Comes into force on  01/01/2021

Updated: 01/01/2022

The companyMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIERspecializes in the well-being sector, in particular in  the supply:

- energy care services using in particular magnetism, lithotherapy, dowsing, aromatherapy as well as

- training services in well-being, alternative therapies (magnetism, energy, dowsing, lithotherapy, etc.) and support for personal development and spiritual guidance,

- an online store selling stones and minerals (raw stones, rolled stones, bracelets, pendants, etc.), dowsing pendulums, magnetized supports.


These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTC) are concluded and apply automatically, without restriction or reservation:

  • between the manager of the website, hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher",

  • and any natural or legal person wishing to access the site and its services, hereinafter called "the User", 

for any purchase of products or services provided byMoonstone Cabinet - Catherine VIVIER.

These General Conditions of Sale, as well as the order form and the order confirmation constitute the sales contract between Catherine VIVIER and the Customer relating to the sale of the products ordered.

​Allorderedcarried out on the website requires that the CUSTOMER accepts beforehand and without reservation the General Conditions of Sale in their entirety.

​ In the event of disagreement with the terms and conditions of the General Conditions of Sale, the CLIENT must not use the Website.

Catherine VIVIER reserves the right to adapt or modify its General Conditions of Sale at any time and without notice, the adaptations or modifications then being applicable to all orders subsequent to the adaptations or modifications.


​ In the event of modification, the General Conditions of Sale applicable to the CLIENT's order are those which were online, and which the CLIENT accepted on the day of placing his order.

​ In the context of services provided at home, in hospital or other places, the practitioner may be required, with the client's agreement, to use any furniture made available by the client for the carrying out the session (armchair, sofa, cushion, blanket, etc.). The choice and purchase of the service offered is the sole responsibility of the Customer. 


​These T&Cs are accessible at any time on the professional website of the Service Provider and will prevail over any other document.

The Customer declares to have read these GCS and to have accepted them, before the implementation of the service..



The terms and expressions identified by a capital letter in the General Conditions of Sale have the meaning indicated below (whether they are used in the singular or in the plural).

  • "Customer"designates the Consumer, the Buyer or the User who uses the Website and acquires one or more Product(s), for his personal needs, having previously adhered to the General Conditions of Sale.

  • "Ordered"  designates the CLIENT's purchase order relating to one or more Product(s) or Service(s) placed by use of the Website www.catherinevivier.com_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

  • "General Conditions of Sale and Use"or "CGV/CGU" designate the present general conditions of use and online sale applicable in the relations between Catherine VIVIER and the CLIENT. 

  • "Consumer"refers to the buyer who is a natural person who does not act for professional needs and/or outside his professional activity

  • "Service provider"designates the buyer who is a legal or natural person acting within the framework of his professional activity

  • "Product"designates a Product, a Service or a Service offered for sale on the Website

  • "Reservation"refers to any request made by the User registered on this Site and its rules.

  • "Services"means the intangible things that can be the subject of a service and which are offered for sale on this"Site"  designates this Site, i.e.

  • "Seller"means the owner of the company and the site.

  • "User"  designates any person who uses the Site.


This site, accessible at the, is edited by:

Catherine VIVIER - Moonstone Cabinet, registered as a self-employed company under number 791 669 617, whose registered office is located 11, la rodrie 86210 VOUNEUIL SUR VIENNE, represented by Catherine VIVIER duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller".

The operator is not subject to VAT.

The site is hosted by the company WIX.COM LTD 40 Port de Tel Aviv 99207 TEL AVIV JAFFA

The Publication Director of the Site is Catherine VIVIER

The Seller's Customer Service can be contacted by email


These General Conditions of Sale aim to define the contractual relationship between Catherine VIVIER and the Customer and all the conditions applicable to any purchase made through the website, whether the buyer is a professional or a consumer. They therefore apply to any order placed on the Site by the Customer.

These General Conditions of Sale (the "General Conditions") apply to the sale of products marketed by the Seller, on the Site or at the firm, to any private client or professional acting within the framework of its activity and having created an account ("the Client").

The seller strives to provide on the site information as accurate as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether by itself or by the third party partners who provide it with this information.

The General Conditions provide in particular the conditions of purchase, payment and delivery of the products ordered by the Customer. The Customer can refer to the description of each Product appearing on the Site in order to know the characteristics of the latter. All the information indicated on the site is given as an indication, and is likely to evolve. Furthermore, the information on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they were put online.

The placing of an order for Products on the Site entails, on the part of the Customer, the prior acceptance without restriction or reservation of the General Conditions, of which the Customer declares to have read  and accepted these T&Cs by means of a checkbox.

The validation of the Order therefore implies acceptance of these GCS.

The buyer certifies by validating these general conditions of Sale certifies that he is of legal age and that he is the person who will be the subject of the service.

The General Conditions are made available to Customers on the Site where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to them on simple request by any means.

Les General Conditions are applicable notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary appearing in all documents issued by the customer, and in particular in its General Conditions of Purchase.

Les General Conditions are applicable subject to any stipulation to the contrary appearing on the order form or on special conditions, if any, concluded between the Seller and the Customer concerned.

The Seller reserves the right at its sole discretion and at any time to change, modify, supplement or delete parts of its T&Cs. The applicable T&Cs are those validated at the time of the Order.


Theproducts and servicesoffered are those that appear on the pages published on the site

Cabinet Pierre de Lune specializes in the well-being sector, and among other things in the provision of magnetism services, basic or specific energy care, training in well-being, magnetism, energy, dowsing, lithotherapy and support for personal development and spiritual guidance...


The service provided by the Service Provider will be provided according to the following terms: 

  • Consisting of sessions of 20 minutes to 1h30 depending on the Client's needs, carried out at the Service Provider's place of practice, or remote care, or even at home for special cases.

  • The date and time of the performance of the service are indicated to the Customer, by telephone, SMS or email.

  • The Service Provider undertakes to make its best efforts to carry out the sessions requested by the Client, within the framework of an obligation of means and not of results, and within the deadlines agreed between them.


Some services are done remotely, and are offered within the limits of possible availability. The Site offers the customer (hereinafter ''the Customer'') the possibility of benefiting from online services, which take the form of remote sessions and/or photo sessions provided by the Customer.

Customers have the possibility of making an appointment on the Site for a face-to-face appointment, of choosing an appointment by videoconference using Skype (correct dress and words are formally required) or a home visit ( the “Benefits”).

Before any use of the Site, the Customer must ensure that he has the technical and IT resources allowing him to use the Site and order the Services offered on the Site, and that his browser allows secure access to the Site. The Customer must also ensure that the computer configuration of his hardware/equipment is in good condition and does not contain any viruses.

theprices and featuresof each Product are described in a technical sheet appearing on the Site and published, as the case may be, by the seller or its suppliers. This technical data sheet may include descriptions, photographs and graphics which are provided for illustrative purposes only and may be modified/updated on the Site by the Seller.

Productsoffered comply with French legislation and European CE standards in force at the time of placing the order.

The products remain the property of until full collection of the price by

Warning: Any inaccurate information provided by the CUSTOMER for the purpose of evading taxes may result in civil fines and criminal prosecution.

The costsare prices indicated in euros including tax on each page of the chosen service, as well as in the online store, and on each formula (package) offered on the website. They take into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order; any change in the rate may be passed on to the price of the products or services.

Catherine VIVIER reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood, however, that the price appearing in the catalog on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer.

For services performed remotely, there are no delivery charges.

The prices of the Products indicated on the site do not include processing, shipping or travel costs which are invoiced in addition to the price of the Products purchased and according to the total amount of the order.

The price does not include the cost of internet connection or mobile phone plan necessary for the performance of the service. All connection costs for internet services and mobile applications are borne entirely by the Client and are not borne by Cabinet Pierre de Lune - Catherine VIVIER.

Promotional products will be indicated by a "PROMOTION" sticker or by a crossed out Price, our promotions are valid within the limits of available stocks at the time of the order and during the display period.

Product and price offers are valid as long as they are visible on the Site, within the limits of available stocks from the seller and its suppliers, except in the case of special operations whose validity period is specified on the Site.

The fact for the Seller to present Products on the Site does not constitute an obligation to market, and this in particular in the event of a shortage of stock, the unavailability of the Products or the impossibility of marketing the said Products, whether it whatever the reason.

Information on the availability of the Products is communicated to the Customer at the time of placing an order for information purposes only (subject to any stock error, simultaneous order or deterioration of the product).

In the event that one or more Product(s) is (are) unavailable following the placing of an order, the Seller will inform the Customer in writing of the waiting period for the receipt of the product momentarily unavailable. In this hypothesis:

  • the Seller may, with the Customer's agreement, offer at the same price a product identical in nature to that initially ordered;

  • the Customer will have the choice of waiting for the availability of the missing Product(s) in order to receive his entire order in a single shipment;

  • the Customer may completely cancel the order; Where

  • the Customer may cancel the order of the unavailable Products and thus receive the other Products appearing in the order.



Any Customer wishing to fully benefit from the Site and purchase Products must:  

  • have full capacity and act for strictly professional purposes;

  • create their personal space on the Site by filling in the various fields of the account creation form (name, surname/first name, address and e-mail address, telephone number, etc.);

  • confirm its acceptance of the General Conditions;

  • confirm their registration.


Access to the Site is possible from a computer, smartphone or tablet by connecting to the Site.

Use of the Site requires a broadband internet connection and mobile internet if applicable.

Customers are personally responsible for setting up the IT and telecommunications resources allowing access to the Site. 

When creating an account with e-mail, the Customer is invited to choose a password, which constitutes the guarantee of the confidentiality of the information which will be contained in his account. 

For the purpose of validating the registration, the Seller sends the Customer a confirmation email to the email address provided by the latter. The Customer then activates his account by clicking on the hypertext link provided for this purpose in the confirmation email.

Each Customer guarantees the sincerity and accuracy of the information provided for the purposes of his registration, undertakes to notify him of any subsequent modification and guarantees that the said information does not infringe the rights of third parties.

The Customer can modify this information, identifiers and password from his account on the Site.

The Customer undertakes not to disclose or transfer his account, his identifiers and passwords and is solely responsible for their use until their deactivation. He must immediately inform the Seller of any loss or unauthorized use of his account.

The Seller reserves the right to delete the account of any Customer who has provided incorrect information. 


Any Order can only be made when the User has registered on the Site.

Any Customer wishing to purchase Products online on the Site must:

  • connect to their Customer account;

  • select the Products he wishes to subscribe to in his basket of Products;

  • fill in the various fields of the Customer order form;

  • confirm its acceptance of the General Conditions;

  • confirm its acceptance of the order for the Products;

  • choose your method of payment;

  • make payment for the Products.


Except as expressly provided on the Site, the Customer may not modify his order after having validated it, which will be firm and final.

Upon receipt of payment for the Products included in the order, the Seller will send the Customer an email confirming his order to the email address provided by the latter.

The order confirmation email summarizes the essential characteristics of the Product(s) ordered, the total price, and any other relevant element. This email will also indicate a tracking number for the Customer's order.

By placing an order on the Site, the Customer expressly accepts that the Seller sends him an invoice electronically. However, he may obtain a paper invoice by sending his request to Customer Service.

To fight against fraud, the Seller or its payment or delivery service providers may request additional supporting documents from the Customer or contact the latter at the time of acceptance and/or shipment of the order. In the event of the Customer's unjustified refusal to provide the information and/or supporting documents requested, the Seller reserves the right not to accept or to cancel the order without this being the subject of any dispute._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

The Seller also reserves the right not to accept or to cancel the order of any Customer who has provided incorrect information, who does not pay for the Products, with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order or which would present an abnormally high level of command.

5.1 - ORDER

  1. To order Products on the Website, the CLIENT must create an account by providing the information required in the registration form.

  2. To this end, the CLIENT declares to provide complete, non-erroneous personal information such as to allow its precise identification in any situation. Any fanciful, slanderous personal information is likely to lead to the closure of the CLIENT's account and the cancellation of his Order.

  3. The account creation section is accessible directly from the main menu bar. At each visit, the CUSTOMER, if he wishes to order or consult his account (order status, personal information, etc.), must identify himself using this information.

  4. The finalization of the Order implies acceptance of the prices of the Products sold, as well as the terms and delivery times indicated on the Site.

  5. Once the Order has been placed, the User will receive confirmation by email. This confirmation will summarize the Order as well as relevant information relating to delivery.

  6. The placing of an Order constitutes the conclusion of a distance selling contract between the Company and the Customer.

  7. The Seller may allow the Customer to benefit from price reductions, rebates and rebates depending on the number of Products available on the Site ordered or depending on the regularity of the Orders, according to the conditions set by the Company.

  8. ​The service is deemed to be concluded on the date and time of payment by the Customer on the website, regardless of the creation of a customer account.

  9. ​ Prior to this date, these General Conditions were made available to the customer on the site. Any service order implies unreserved acceptance of these CG.

  10. ​ All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will serve as proof of the transaction. Confirmation will be worth signing and acceptance of transactions.

  11. The seller will communicate by e-mail confirmation of the registered order.


The online sale of the services presented on the site is reserved for any buyer of legal age in any country as long as the buyer is aware that the exchanges are made exclusively in French.

For CUSTOMERS outside the European Union and DOM-TOM, orders may be subject to local taxes and customs taxes in force in the country of receipt. These rights and sums are not the responsibility of They are the responsibility of the CLIENT.


The order can be canceled by the buyer at any time after the withdrawal period. The customer will then not be able to claim a refund.

The order may be canceled by the seller in the event that the data provided by the buyer is false, the buyer has not sent a photo of himself to be able to provide energy care, or a payment has not not been done correctly. In this case no refund can be requested.

The Seller reserves the right to suspend or cancel any execution of an Order, whatever its nature and its level of execution, in the event of non-payment or partial payment of any sum that would be due by the Customer. to the Company, in the event of a payment incident, or in the event of fraud or attempted fraud relating to the use of the site and the payment of an order.

  1. The Services are provided at the current prices listed on the price list of the site, when the order is recorded by the Service Provider. The prices are expressed in Euros including VAT - subject to 20% VAT - and take into account any reductions that may be granted by the Service Provider on the price sheet. These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity but the Service Provider reserves the right, outside the period of validity, to modify the prices at any time.

  2. ​The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the service including tax. An invoice can be drawn up by the Service Provider and sent to the Customer by e-mail within 48 hours after the services provided. 

  3. ​Certain services may be subject to a previously accepted quote. The quotes established by the Service Provider are valid for a period of 30 days after their establishment.

  4. The total amount is indicated in the summary of the Order, before the Customer accepts these GCS, validates his Order, provides information and proceeds to payment. This total amount is indicated inclusive of all taxes.

  5. The Order of Services on the Site is payable in euros. Full payment can be made on the day of the Order by the Customer or on the day of the appointment.

  6. In the event of payment by credit card, the Site uses the security systems of STRIPE and PAYPAL, service providers specializing in the security of online payment. These systems guarantee the Client the total confidentiality of his banking information. The bank transaction by credit card, carried out between the Customer and the secure system is therefore fully encrypted and protected. This means that the information related to the Order and the bank card number do not circulate on the internet. The Customer's bank details are not stored electronically by the Company.

  7. The Customer guarantees to the Company that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment, when placing the Order.

  8. The price of the Products and the costs of logistical preparation and delivery are payable in full by the CLIENT at the time of placing the Order.

  9. The website is likely to offer the Customer to pay for his order by various means of payment to choose from:

  • Or by credit card:  

After having chosen the method of payment by bank card, the Customer is redirected to the secure interface of the payment system in order to securely enter his personal bank card references. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by credit card is irrevocable.

  • Either by PayPal:  

After having chosen the method of payment by PayPal, the Customer is redirected to the secure interface of the payment system in order to securely inform his personal bank card references, to connect to his PayPal account. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by PayPal is irrevocable.

  • By instant payment PayLib 

Paylib is a service offered by the main French banks, directly in their mobile application, allowing the Customer to send money to the Seller, from bank account to bank account, without an intermediary. 

To start using Paylib, the Customer must first activate Paylib in their bank's application. Then go to your bank's application and go to the Paylib menu.
To send a Paylib, the Customer must enter the Seller's mobile number, the desired amount as well as the reason to describe what this sending of money corresponds to. This pattern will thus be visible to the recipient.
When this information is provided, the Customer validates the transaction using the security code of his banking application or his biometric fingerprint. The seller will be informed by SMS of the sending of money from the Customer.

2. Champ d'application
3. Caractéristiques, prix et disponibilités des biens et services proposés
4. Conditions d'inscription
5. Commandes


The Services are provided at the current prices listed on the price list of the site, when the order is recorded by the Seller. The prices are expressed in Euros including VAT - subject to 20% VAT - and take into account any reductions that may be granted by the Seller on the price sheet. These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity but the Seller reserves the right, outside the period of validity, to modify the prices at any time, the parties expressly renouncing to avail themselves of the provisions of article 1195 of the Civil Code.

​The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the service including tax. An invoice can be drawn up by the Service Provider and sent to the Customer by e-mail within 48 hours after the services provided. 

​Certain services may be subject to a previously accepted quote. The quotes established by the Service Provider are valid for a period of 30 days after their establishment.

The total amount is indicated in the summary of the Order, before the Customer accepts these GCS, validates his Order, provides information and proceeds to payment. This total amount is indicated inclusive of all taxes.

The Order of Services on the Site is payable in euros. Full payment can be made on the day of the Order by the Customer or on the day of the appointment.

In the event of payment by credit card, the Site uses the security systems of STRIPE and PAYPAL, service providers specializing in the security of online payment. These systems guarantee the Client the total confidentiality of his banking information. The bank transaction by credit card, carried out between the Customer and the secure system is therefore fully encrypted and protected. This means that the information related to the Order and the bank card number do not circulate on the internet. The Customer's bank details are not stored electronically by the Seller.

The Customer guarantees to the Seller that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment, when placing the Order.

The price of the Products and the costs of logistical preparation and delivery are payable in full by the CLIENT at the time of placing the Order.

The website is likely to offer the Customer to pay for his order by various means of payment to choose from:

  • Or by credit card:  

After having chosen the method of payment by bank card, the Customer is redirected to the secure interface of the payment system in order to securely enter his personal bank card references. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by credit card is irrevocable.

  • Either by PayPal:  

After having chosen the method of payment by PayPal, the Customer is redirected to the secure interface of the payment system in order to securely inform his personal bank card references, to connect to his PayPal account. If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract definitively formed. Payment by PayPal is irrevocable.

  • By instant payment PayLib 

Paylib is a service offered by the main French banks, directly in their mobile application, allowing the Customer to send money to the Seller, from bank account to bank account, without an intermediary. 

Any transport, delivery, order processing costs (shipping, packaging, making the package, optional services subscribed by the Customer) and other costs, interest and commissions are indicated in the order summary and are established according to the place and method of delivery selected by the Customer, as well as the type of Product and/or the quantity of Products ordered by the Customer.

Any special request from the Customer subsequent to the order and generating costs (packaging, transport, etc.) will be subject to additional invoicing to the Customer.

When the Products are not received by the Customer and must be reshipped, additional processing, shipping, transport and delivery costs may be invoiced to the Customer under conditions identical to those provided for when ordering.

The Seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time for any Products ordered after this modification.

If successive execution sales (subscription):

When the sale of the Products is for successive execution, billable on a regular basis and may be subject to tacit renewal, any modification of the price of the Products shall take effect during the next contractual period. In the absence of termination by the Customer before this effective date, the new pricing will be applicable to the new contractual period.

Any price reductions, rebates and discounts may apply to the Products under the conditions provided on the Seller's Site or in any other document communicated to the Customer. In the event of a promotional price, the Seller undertakes to apply this price to any order placed during the promotion period.

Any change in prices resulting from an increase in value added tax or the creation of any new tax based on the price of the Products will be immediately and automatically applied.


 7.1 – BILLING

En case of specific services:

The Products are invoiced and the price is due in full and payable in cash on the day of the order.

The Products are invoiced and the price is due in full and payable in cash on the day the order form is signed for the coming contractual period.


In case of early settlementby the customer,no discount will be applied.Under no circumstances may payments be suspended or be the subject of any compensation whatsoever without prior written agreement between the Seller and the Customer. Any suspension, deduction or compensation made unilaterally by the Customer will be treated as a default of payment and will entail all the consequences of late payment.


It is expressly agreed that the Customer is validly put in default to pay by the sole exigibility of the obligation, in accordance with the provisions of article 1344 of the Civil Code. In the event of late payment of any of the installments, the Seller reserves the right in particular, without any compensation being due to the Customer, to:

  • demand immediate payment of all sums due in respect of the Products, these becoming immediately payable regardless of their due date;

  • refuse any new order or require for any new order a cash payment or a guarantee for the proper execution of the commitments;

  • impute any partial payment firstly to the non-privileged part of the debt and then to the sums for which payment is the oldest;

  • reduce, suspend or cancel orders for Products in progress, [Time limit] days after formal notice which has remained without effect, sent by the Seller to the Customer;

  • apply, without prior notice, to all sums due, from the first day of delay and until full payment, late payment penalties calculated at the rate referred to in Article L.441-6 of the Commercial Code; and or

  • demand the payment of a fixed indemnity of €40 for recovery costs, for each invoice paid late, and the payment of an indemnity equal to 10% of the sums remaining due to him on the Sales of Products, without prejudice to the repair of any damage actually suffered.

The Seller shall have the option of settling by offsetting, as of right, and without formalities, all sums it may owe, with the Customer's debts to it, whether or not the conditions of legal offsetting are incorporated.



The Customer expressly acknowledges that any order made on the Site is an order with payment obligation, which requires the payment of a price for the Products under the aforementioned conditions.


The Site uses the Stripe & Paypal online payment solution.


Orders can be paid using one of the following payment methods: Stripe & Paypal


●  Payment by credit card. Payment is made directly on the secure banking servers of the Seller's bank, the Customer's bank details do not pass through the Site. The bank details provided during payment are protected by an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption process. Bank cards issued by banks domiciled outside France must be international bank cards. Payment via these bank cards is made in cash, without discount 

● Payment by electronic wallet (Paypal type). The Customer already has an account on the electronic wallet used by the Seller. The Customer can use this account and pay for his order securely without communicating his bank details.

● Payment by PayLib instant transfer. The Customer can pay for his order by instant payment. When ordering, the Seller will communicate the details of the account to which the transfer will be made, as well as the order reference to be indicated in the transfer order.

To start using Paylib, the Customer must first activate Paylib in their bank's application. Then go to your bank's application and go to the Paylib menu.
To send a Paylib, the Customer must enter the Seller's mobile number, the desired amount and the reason to describe what this sending of money corresponds to. This pattern will thus be visible to the recipient.
When this information is entered, the Customer validates the transaction using the security code of his banking application or his biometric fingerprint. The seller will be informed by SMS of the sending of money from the Customer.

The Products are marketed at the Seller's price in force appearing on the Site on the day of the order, expressed in euros including tax and excluding packaging and shipping costs.

For services:

Unless otherwise specified, all sales are paid in cash at the time the Order is placed. Depending on the nature or amount of the Order, the Company remains free to require a deposit or payment of the full price when placing the Order or when receiving the invoice. Payment can be made by:

  • Payment by check for all sums less than or equal to €60;

  • Payment in cash or PayLib


In the event of total or partial non-payment of the Products and services on the date agreed on the invoice, the Professional Client must pay the Company a late payment penalty, the rate of which is equal to the rate applied by the European Central Bank for its transaction of refinancing plus 10 percentage points. The financing operation selected is the most recent on the date of the Order for the provision of Services.
In addition to late payment compensation, any amount, including the deposit, not paid by the Professional Client on its due date will automatically result in the payment of a lump sum compensation of 40 euros due for recovery costs.
In the event of total or partial non-payment of the Products on the date agreed on the invoice, the Consumer Client must pay the Company a late payment penalty, the rate of which is equal to the legal interest rate. No compensation may be made by the Customer between penalties for delay in the supply of
Products ordered and sums owed by the Customer to the Company for the purchase of Products offered on the Site. The penalty due by the Customer, Professional or Consumer, is calculated on the amount including tax of the remaining amount due, and runs from the due date of the price without any prior formal notice being necessary.

Appointment made online:Any cancellation within 2 days prior to the appointment will not be refunded for any reason.  In other cases, the refund will be effective within 5 10 days following the request).

Other appointments: For any cancellation within the previous 48 hours, the appointment for the session is due.



The care and training services being done in the office or remotely, there is no delivery.

The delivery of the Products ordered by the Customer cannot take place until the latter has made effective payment of the amount referred to in Article 6.1 above.

Products can be delivered anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection.

Upon confirmation of the order and payment by the Customer, the Products will be dispatched according to the method, to the address and within the delivery time shown in the order summary with the corresponding invoice.

In this regard, the Customer undertakes to do everything possible to ensure proper receipt of the Products on the day of delivery. The cost relating to any new delivery will be borne by the Customer. Furthermore, in the event of a delivery error resulting from the communication of inaccurate information by the Customer (place of delivery, accessibility of the place or any other problem) resulting in the need to make a new delivery, the related costs will be invoiced. to the client.

In the event of the Seller's prior agreement, the Customer may collect the Products ordered from the place indicated by the Seller. 

The delivery times provided for when placing orders are only given as an indication depending on the availability of the Products ordered and the delivery times applied by the Seller's partners.

Delays in delivery, insofar as they are reasonable, cannot give rise to any right to cancel the sale, refuse the goods or claim damages. In the event of a delay of more than 21 days, the Customer will however be entitled to request the resolution of the sale, the deposits already paid will be returned to him by the Seller.

In the event of delivery outside mainland France, the Customer will be considered as the importer of the Products and required to comply with the regulations of the country of delivery, it being specified that cross-border deliveries may, if necessary, be subject to an opening procedure and inspection by customs authorities.

For the products of the shop, the rates of La Poste are applied.

The delivery of the Products will take place, after registration of the payment of the Order, to the delivery address indicated by the CLIENT during the placing of the Order. An e-mail will be sent to the CUSTOMER to inform of the shipment of the Products. The CUSTOMER has the option of choosing between different means of delivery.

The shipping costs are calculated according to the method of delivery chosen (home, relay point, post office, etc.), the weight of the package and the place of destination.

Delivery times are only given as an indication, if they exceed thirty days (Except in the event of a health crisis, holidays, natural disasters, strikes, losses, Mass flow of parcels in delivery services. Ex: Christmas holidays, end of year, Black Friday,

However, we cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage to the package and its contents.

We therefore advise you to have it delivered (La Poste sending colissimo - "Signature and Insurance")

Be sure to inform your address: (Last name First name - N° and Street - Postal code and City - Mail address or Telephone N°).

Packages lost because the address is not the correct one will not be reimbursed. So pay attention to the delivery address you entered on your customer account and/or PayPal account.

In the event that the package is "return to sender"

- For wrong address,

- For unclaimed parcels* at the post office, Mondial Relay, UPS.

* Parcel delivered to an initial or secondary relay point unclaimed - Parcel not claimed following delivery attempts by the service provider.


Following receipt of your return sender order. The order is not refundable either partially or totally

The return costs will be entirely your responsibility.


Free delivery :

  • Free delivery from 59 euros of purchase without shipping costs, in Metropolitan France & Monaco with Colissimo

  • Delivery not offered, Colissimo to Switzerland, United Kingdom, Dom Tom "Zone OM1" and "Zone OM2", In Mondial Relay parcel relay in Metropolitan France, Belgium and Luxembourg. UPS and UPS Express delivery, Les Mondial relays to Metropolitan France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Colissimo and Mondial Relay Heavy Objects.


However, these offers may occasionally be lowered during a defined period.


_D04A07D8-9CD1-3239-9149-20813D6C673B__D04A07D8-9CD1-3239-9149-20813D6C673B__D04A07D8-9CD1-3239-9149-20813D673Bn clicking on the button "Validate my order" or "Order Via PayPal", you agree to comply with the General Conditions of Sale which you acknowledge having read, understood and accepted in their entirety.


The number and condition of the Products must be verified by the Customer at the time of delivery.

The Seller will be required to take back the Products in the event of delivery of Products that are non-compliant or damaged on delivery.

The Customer must have any visible defects, missing products or damage noted in writing with the carrier by clear, precise and complete reservations on the delivery note. The Customer must confirm his complaint with the Seller and the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within 30 days of delivery of the goods if only if the formation has not been consumed by more than 30%.

In the event of damaged goods, breakage, Catherine VIVIER undertakes to replace and return the damaged products but the shipping costs will be borne by the customer.

The Seller will validate the return request and send the Customer a return form by e-mail to attach to the shipment of the Products.

The Customer must return the non-compliant Product to the Seller as soon as possible.

Unless the exclusive responsibility of the Seller is indisputably established or if it is expressly recognized by the Seller, the costs and risks of return will be borne by the Customer. The Seller reserves the right to refuse the return if the Products are not in their original condition.

If the Customer fails to comply with the aforementioned procedure, the Customer will be presumed to have renounced any action against the Seller and/or the carrier and to have received the goods in conformity and in good condition. The Seller will therefore not accept any complaint, return or request for a credit note from the Customer.



The Products subject to the CGV/CGU are those which appear on the Site and which are sold and/or shipped directly by the Company.
The Products are described on the corresponding page within the Site and mention is made of all their essential characteristics. The sale takes place within the limits of the Company's available stocks. The latter cannot be held responsible for stock shortages or the impossibility of selling a Product whose stock does not exist. When a Registered User wishes to acquire a Product sold by the Company through the Site, the price indicated on the Product page corresponds to the price in euros, all taxes included (TTC), excluding shipping costs and takes into account the applicable reductions and in force on the day of the Order. The price indicated does not include the delivery costs which will be detailed if necessary in the summary before placing the Order.

If the total cost of the Products cannot be calculated in advance, the Company will send the Customer a detailed estimate setting out the formula for calculating the price.
Under no circumstances may a User demand the application of discounts that are no longer in effect on the day of the Order.

  • The data transmitted during your order remain confidential.

  • The work I provide is confidential. I disclaim all responsibility in the event that a third party takes possession of it.

  • For minors, I only receive them if they are accompanied by an adult.

  • In no case should you stop medical treatment, because the sessions are not a substitute for doctors, but a complement.

9.4. CHILD
  • I intervene on children and adolescents only in the presence of their parents.

  •   As the duration of magnetism is shorter for a child up to 12 years old, the price is reduced.

  • Toys are available for parents to occupy the child pleasantly during the session.


The CUSTOMER must arrive 5 minutes before the start of the treatment. He asked you to wait outside, I'll come get you. In the event of delay, the PROVIDER cannot be held responsible. Nevertheless, depending on the SERVICE PROVIDER's availability, another appointment may be rescheduled for the same half-day or the duration of the treatment will be reduced or even canceled in the event of excessive delay. The other CUSTOMERS do not have to suffer a delay that is not attributable to them.

The duration of the treatments indicated on the website corresponds to the actual duration of the treatment. It is given as an example, it may vary slightly.



Access to certain Cabinet Pierre de Lune services, including making appointments, requires creating an account.

The customer must complete the registration form, and indicate his surname, first name, email address and choose a password. The Customer is asked to tick the box "I have read the General Conditions of Sale and Use" after having read these General Conditions before confirming and validating their registration.



The customer certifies that the personal information provided is accurate and that he does not use the personal information or the banking data of others without authorization.

Cabinet Pierre de Lune - Catherine VIVIER can in no way be held responsible for the usurpation of personal or banking data by the Client.


  • It is up to the Customer to make an appointment either by telephone, or by SMS + on 33 (0)6 78 95 29 91, or by email, or online on the site online booking section

  • The Customer has the possibility of canceling his appointment before it is made, within 48 hours before the appointment.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to payment for a previous session.

  • Once the appointment has been validated by Cabinet Pierre de Lune - Catherine VIVIER, and, in the context of remote care, on the exclusive condition that payment corresponding to the chosen service has been received, the Client may attend his session at the date and at the scheduled time, in the office or by videoconference depending on the option he has chosen.


The buyer, who wishes to buy:

  • A face-to-face treatment must meet:

    • The care form duly completed

    • Payment of a deposit is requested and made online or by hand. The payment of the deposit confirms your reservation.

    • Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of these conditions of sale, acknowledgment of having perfect knowledge of them and waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.

  • Remote care must send an email with the problem to be treated, first name and date of birth, as well as a photo of the person to be treated, alone, standing arms hands and legs uncrossed. (Or The photo of the area to be treated (if applicable and depending on the case). Sessions are to be paid for in advance

  • A remote service must send an e-mail containing the problem to be dealt with, first and last name, as well as all documents and photos useful for the performance of the service. (Sessions are to be paid in advance)

Online payment (the sessions are to be paid 48 hours before the intervention)


Confirmation of the order entails acceptance of these conditions of sale, acknowledgment of having perfect knowledge of them and waiver of its own conditions of purchase or other conditions.


All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will constitute proof of the transaction. Confirmation will be worth signing and acceptance of transactions.


The seller will communicate by e-mail confirmation of the orderand registered.


  • Online order :

    • On the online store: The price is payable when ordering.   Payments are made by Carte Bleue, Paypal.

    • About booking services online: Payments are made online or at the office in person. The price is paid in cash, by PayLib, PayPal and checks payable directly to the Service Provider.

    • For remote support:payment is made online by credit card, via the secure service provider Stripe, PayPal or PayLib. Several means of payment are offered on the site (Visa or MasterCard). Banking information is secure. They are transmitted to Stripe, PayPal or PayLib via their API in the form of a TOKEN for encrypted use.​

  • For thein-office care:

    • A deposit is required when booking, meeting, by the Customer. 

    • A deposit will be requested when registering for a training session.

    • Payment for services is made on site or online (when booking) by cash, PayLib, PayPal, Check directly payable to the Service Provider. The deposit will be deducted from the amount of the service due.

    • For a single service or for several sessions, the price is payable in full and in a single payment at the end of each service. 

    • The payment made by the Customer will only be considered final after effective collection of the sums due by the Service Provider.

    • At the buyer's request, an invoice will be sent to him by e-mail.


  1. The Customer expressly acknowledges that any order made on the Site is an order with payment obligation, which requires the payment of a price against the provision of the Service ordered.

  2. The Client is informed that the provision of the Service cannot be made before Cabinet Pierre de Lune has fully received the sums owed by the Client.

  3. Orders can be paid for using one of the following payment methods: Payment by credit card (Stripe or PayPal). The Client already has an account on the electronic wallet used by the company. The Customer can use this account and pay for his order securely without communicating his bank details.

  4. If necessary, the order validated by the Customer will only be considered effective when the secure bank payment center has given its agreement to the transaction.

  5. As part of the control procedures, the Operator may have to ask the Customer for all the documents necessary to finalize his order. These parts will not be used for any purpose other than these.

  6. Unless otherwise specified, all sales are paid in cash at the time the Order is placed. Depending on the nature or amount of the Order, the Company remains free to require a deposit or payment of the full price when placing the Order or when receiving the invoice.

  7. Payment implies acceptance of the General Conditions.

  8. Any remote work not settled within 72 hours will automatically be considered canceled.

  9. On request, an invoice can be provided by e-mail.

  10. At the office, the means of payment accepted are cash, PayLib, or checks. I do not accept cash sent by mail.

  11. ​ In the event of total or partial non-payment of the Products on the date agreed on the invoice, the Professional Client must pay the Company a late payment penalty, the rate of which is equal to the rate charged by the Bank Centrale Européenne for its refinancing operation increased by 10 percentage points. The financing operation selected is the most recent on the date of the Order for the provision of Services.

  12. In addition to late payment compensation, any amount, including the deposit, not paid by the Professional Client on its due date will automatically result in the payment of a lump sum compensation of 40 euros due for recovery costs.

  13. In the event of total or partial non-payment of the Products on the date agreed on the invoice, the Consumer Client must pay the Company a late payment penalty, the rate of which is equal to the legal interest rate. No compensation may be made by the Customer between penalties for delay in the supply of the Products ordered and the sums due by the Customer to the Company for the purchase of Products offered on the Site. The penalty due by the Customer, Professional or Consumer, is calculated on the amount including tax of the remaining amount due, and runs from the due date of the price without any prior formal notice being necessary.

  14. The Services are provided at the current prices listed on the price list of the site, when the order is recorded by the Service Provider. The prices are expressed in Euros including VAT - subject to 20% VAT - and take into account any reductions that may be granted by the Service Provider on the price sheet. These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity but the Service Provider reserves the right, outside the period of validity, to modify the prices at any time.

  15. ​The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the service including tax. An invoice can be drawn up by the Service Provider and delivered to the Customer by e-mail within 48 hours after the services provided. 

  16. ​Certain services may be subject to a previously accepted quote. The quotes established by the Service Provider are valid for a period of 30 days after their establishment.

  17. The total amount is indicated in the summary of the Order, before the Customer accepts these GCS, validates his Order, provides information and proceeds to payment. This total amount is indicated inclusive of all taxes.

  18. The Order of Services on the Site is payable in euros. Full payment can be made on the day of the Order by the Customer or on the day of the appointment.

  19. In the event of payment by credit card, the Site uses the security systems of STRIPE and PAYPAL, service providers specializing in the security of online payment. These systems guarantee the Client the total confidentiality of his banking information. The bank transaction by credit card, carried out between the Customer and the secure system is therefore fully encrypted and protected. This means that the information related to the Order and the bank card number do not circulate on the internet. The Customer's bank details are not stored electronically by the Company.

  20. The Customer guarantees to the Seller that he has the necessary authorizations to use the method of payment, when placing the Order.


The site is subject to a security system: the SSL encryption process has been adopted, but all scrambling and encryption processes have also been reinforced to protect as effectively as possible all sensitive data related to means of payment.



Any complaint can be sent by e-mail to the address:

  • ​ Online store:

In accordance with article L121-21 of the Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of fourteen working days from the date of receipt of their order to exercise their right of withdrawal and thus return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty.


The products must be returned in their original packaging, without having been used, accompanied by the initial signed delivery note. Return costs are the responsibility of the Customer.


Regarding the provision of digital services, and under cover of Article L.121.21-8 of the Consumer Code, Cabinet Pierre de Lune informs the Client, after he has been informed on the website before validation of the order, that he no longer has his right of withdrawal once he has received the order confirmation email giving him immediate access to the audio and video content.


The Customer agrees to waive his right of withdrawal by checking the box "I waive my right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions of Article L.121.21-8 of the Consumer Code."


Consequently, Cabinet Pierre de Lune will not make any refunds. Except for the digital service, if the Customer can justify not having used the service ordered or listened to an audio file for technical reasons attributable to Cabinet Pierre de Lune.


  • Care and benefits

Buyers, non-professional individuals, benefit from a withdrawal period of fourteen days from the date of purchase of the service. If all or part of the services ordered have already been performed, this withdrawal clause cannot be invoked.

In accordance with the provisions of article L.121-21-8 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal does not apply to:
• The supply of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and the performance of which has begun after the consumer's express prior agreement and express waiver of his right of withdrawal.
• The supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market beyond the control of the professional and likely to occur during the withdrawal period.
• The supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized.
• The supply of goods liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.
• The supply of goods which have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.
• The supply of goods which, after being delivered and by their nature, are inseparably mixed with other items;

  • More than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time 

    • For appointments at the Cabinet:   the client has the possibility, via his personal space, to cancel or modify his appointment.

    • For remote appointments:

      • In the event of definitive cancellation, Cabinet Pierre de Lune may reimburse the amount paid in advance, less transaction costs.

      • Report of appointment free of charge​

  • Less than 48 hours before the scheduled meeting time:

The cancellation request must be made by telephone, email or SMS, specifying the reason for the cancellation.

  • For remote appointments:no session for which payment has been made in advance via our secure system can be refunded or postponed to a later session.

  • For in-office treatments:if the Client wishes a new session at the firm, to replace the one he has canceled within less than 48 hours, he can make a request via the appointment request calendar ANDimperativelyprepay it by purchasing the corresponding product in the online store (Reservation). His new request will be validated once payment has been confirmed by the online payment service he has chosen.

  • A session at the office having been paid in advance either by choice of the client, or within the framework of a replacement of a previous session canceled less than 48 hours in advance, cannot in any case be the subject of a refund, or a postponement for an upcoming appointment. This session will be canceled but will remain paid. However, the patient will have the possibility of resuming another appointment by paying again in advance for his session via the online payment methods offered on the website.

  • Absence from an Appointment or Cancellation within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time

A missed or canceled appointment within 24 hours of your session will incur a fee

You will be asked for the full amount of the planned treatment before resuming another appointment. These costs must already be paid remotely before having access to your next treatment.

Note: A reminder e-mail is always sent to you 24 hours before the start of a session.

  • After 3 appointment cancellations(within 24 hours), no reservation will be possible for you

In order to allow you to access care despite the situation, you can contact your professional the same morning, then see the availability of the day that is available to you. If, however, you happen not to show up, any access to another treatment will be impossible for you.

  • In case of delay or absence during the appointment, the amount due for the reservation of the service remains due by the User.

  • In the event of a cancellation of your request, I then offer you a "voucher" to be used for another treatment.

  • Once your appointment or order has been confirmed, it must be canceled within 15 days to benefit from this "voucher". Otherwise, the order will be maintained.

  • In the event that I cancel a consultation appointment for a treatment or a service, unilaterally, I will offer you a new date or, failing that, a refund, within 30 days.

  • As part of a cancellation by mutual agreement, the refund will be made within 30 days.

  • Refunds will only take place in the event that the cancellation due to force majeure, would come from my initiative

  • The PAYPAL or STRIPE costs relating to the refund will be deducted from the amount refunded to the buyer. The refund will be made through your means of payment (Transfer or PayPal).

  • In the case of a postponement of consultation by you or by me, I will make every effort to offer you a new appointment within 21 days. 20813d6c673b_


Cabinet Pierre de Lune offers in-office or remote services, as well as at home or on the website to access digital content. Although the benefits of magnetism are recognized today, it is not a medical device and Cabinet Pierre de Lune does not provide any medical advice or diagnosis. Consequently, Cabinet Pierre de Lune does not in any way guarantee the result desired by the Client and cannot be held responsible for an expected result not perceived by the Client, the service offered calling on subjectivity, personality and everyone's perception.

​Cabinet Pierre de Lune cannot be held responsible for the inadequate and inappropriate use of digital content in the context of self-medication not offered by a doctor. Users with serious medical or psychological problems or requiring medical advice should consult their doctor.

Before making any appointment with Catherine vivier, it is essential to consult your doctor.

Magnetism is only a complement to medicine and should in no way replace it.





We are on energy healing. Therefore, there is no guarantee of results.

“Each person is unique and therefore will react differently to the care provided, just as a service cannot have the desired effect.

There is no guarantee of results. However, we are committed to doing our best to help you and I assure you of my seriousness in the implementation of the work necessary for the realization of your request.

​ The Seller has an obligation of means and not of result. It is up to the seller to carry out the care agreed in the service purchased.

​ The seller, in the online sales process, is only bound by an obligation of means; its liability cannot be engaged for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, or other involuntary problems.


  1. The Customer agrees to comply with the terms of these T&Cs.

  2. The Client undertakes to use the Site and the Services in accordance with the Company's instructions.

  3. The Customer agrees that he only uses the Site for his personal use, in accordance with these T&Cs. In this regard, the Client agrees to refrain from:

    • To use the Site in any illegal manner, for any illegal purpose or in any manner incompatible with these T&Cs.

    • To sell, copy, reproduce, rent, lend, distribute, transfer or grant sublicenses on all or part of the elements, information and content appearing on the Site and/or allow any third party to use or have access to the Site for any purpose or to decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, display in Customer readable form, attempt to discover any source code or use any software enabling or comprising all or part of the Site.

    • To attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site's computer system or to engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality or interferes with the performance or deteriorates the functionality of the Site.

    • Use the Site for abusive purposes by deliberately introducing viruses or any other malicious program and attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Site.

    • Infringe the intellectual property rights of the Company and/or resell or attempt to resell the services to third parties.

    • To infringe the privacy and/or image rights of a third party.

    • To disparage the Site and/or the Services as well as the Company on social networks and any other means of communication;

    • To adopt comments contrary to the law, insulting, defamatory or aggressive against the Company during meetings.

    • To adopt a correct and decent dress during appointments.

  4. When the Services are provided by Skype or other videoconferencing software, the Customer undertakes not to record the session, nor to publish it for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

  5. If, on legitimate grounds, the Company considers that the Customer does not comply with these GCS, the Company may at any time, and at its sole discretion, remove its access to the Site and take all measures including any civil and criminal legal action at its against.



By way of derogation from the provisions of article 1583 of the Civil Code, it is expressly agreed with the Customer that the transfer of ownership of the Products delivered is suspended until full and effective payment of the price in principal, interest, taxes and all incidental costs. . The delivery of drafts, bank checks or any other document creating an obligation to pay does not constitute effective payment in this respect.

Acceptance of deliveries or documents relating to these deliveries constitutes acceptance of this clause.

In the absence of payment of the price on the agreed due date, the Seller expressly reserves the right to consider the sale terminated and to claim the said Products after formal notice by registered letter or bailiff's summons which has had no effect within 30 _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_days of their presentation.

As long as the Products do not belong to the Customer, he is prohibited from disposing of them, in particular from pledging them, exchanging them, transferring them in ownership by way of guarantee. However, by way of tolerance and for the sole needs of its business, the Seller authorizes the Customer to resell the Products. The Customer therefore undertakes to inform his customers, professional resellers, of the existence of the retention of title clause affecting the Products and of the right that the Seller reserves to claim, in their hands, either the disputed Products, either the price.


The Customer also undertakes, in return, to carry out not only at the end of the financial year but permanently, by any means at its convenience, the identification of the Products subject to retention of title. The Customer must include in the assets of its balance sheet the Products subject to the retention of title. Products pending sale are presumed unpaid up to the amount of the seller's claim according to the "first in, first out" (FIFO) rule, i.e. any payment by the Customer will be allocated to the oldest Products and these will be the Products subject of the last delivery which will always be considered as accompanied by the retention of title.

Notwithstanding the fact that the Customer will only have ownership of the Products upon effective payment, the transfer of the risks of the Products to the Customer will take place under the conditions set out below. The Customer therefore undertakes to take every care in the custody and preservation of the said goods.

The Customer immediately notifies the Seller by any means ensuring perfect communication of any fact likely to compromise his right of ownership, in particular the opening of a safeguard, liquidation or receivership procedure, seizure or any other precautionary measure. In the event of the opening of safeguard, liquidation or receivership proceedings, the Customer undertakes to participate in the establishment of an inventory of the Products in its stocks and of which the Seller claims ownership or control. payment and to assist him effectively in the claim procedure introduced with the competent authorities. In the event of seizure or any other precautionary measure on the Products delivered by the Seller, the Customer shall raise all protests against the third party and take all precautionary and enforcement measures.

The seller retains the intellectual property of the online training, the customer will not have the right to share this access with anyone under penalty of prosecution.

All legal and judicial costs generated by the recovery of the Products subject to retention of title or their price will be borne by the Customer.



The Products will be at the expense, risk and peril of the customer from their delivery to the carrier or their removal by the Customer.

In this case, the Seller will be deemed to have fulfilled its obligation to deliver once it has delivered the Products to the carrier and the latter has accepted them without reservations, the Customer having no warranty claim against the Seller. in the event of non-delivery or lack of conformity of the Products upon delivery.

The Customer will therefore take out all useful insurance contracts guaranteeing the risks of loss, destruction or theft of the goods whose risks have been transferred.

6. Conditions tarifaires
7. Conditions de facturation et de règlement
8. Livraison des produits et prestations
9. Fourniture de prestations
10. Modalités de paiement
11. Réclamation, annulation et remboursement
12. Avertissement médical
13. Obligations
14. Propriété et risques
15. Garanties
16. Disponibilité du site
21. Propriété intellectuelle
22. Durée - Suspension - Résiliation
23. Confidentialité


Any return of defective Products or for defects in material, design or manufacture requires the prior written consent of the Seller. Unless the responsibility of the Seller is indisputably established or if it is expressly recognized by the Seller, the costs and risks of return will be borne by the Customer. The Seller reserves the right to refuse the return if the Products are not in their original condition.

No return of unsold Products will be accepted.

Any defective Product may be repaired, replaced with an identical or equivalent product, or refunded, according to the solution that the Seller or the manufacturers concerned deem most appropriate, except in the case of:_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  • alteration or modification of the Products;

  • abnormal or non-compliant use or use of the Products;

  • defects and consequences related to use that does not comply with the use for which the Products are intended;

  • defects and consequences related to any external cause;

  • normal wear and tear of the Products;

  • non-compliance with the return procedure by the Customer.


In the event of a dispute over the guarantee of a Product, the parties must do their best to reach an amicable settlement of the situation.


In the absence of amicable settlement and in the event of sufficiently serious non-performance by the Seller, the Customer may automatically terminate the sale and obtain, where applicable, damages from the Seller for the purpose of repairing the damage suffered, the Customer renouncing in advance request a forced execution in kind of Products by the Seller or a third party or a proportional reduction of the price, by express derogation from the provisions of articles 1221, 1222 and 1223 of the Civil Code. 

The Products sold on the Site are guaranteed in accordance with the legal provisions of the Consumer Code and the Civil Code as reproduced below:

- Article L.217-4 of the Consumer Code:
“The seller delivers goods that comply with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when this has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility. ”

- Article L.217-5 of the Consumer Code:
“The property is in accordance with the contract:
1° If it is specific to the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable: if it corresponds to the description given by the seller and has the qualities that the latter presented to the buyer under form of sample or model; if it has the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect given the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labeling;
2° Or if it has the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or is specific to any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and which the latter has accepted”

- Article 1641 of the Civil Code:
"The seller is bound by the guarantee on account of the hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which so diminish this use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have paid less if he had known them. » Any resold Product altered, modified or transformed is not covered by the guarantee. This is limited to the replacement or reimbursement of Products that are non-compliant or affected by a defect. It is excluded in the event of misuse or abnormal use of the Product as well as in the event that the Product does not comply with the legislation of the country in which it is delivered. The Customer must inform the Company of the existence of the defects within two years. The Company will rectify the Products deemed to be defective as far as possible. If the liability of the Company is retained, the guarantee is limited to the amount excluding VAT paid by the Consumer for the supply of the Products. The replacement of the Products does not have the effect of extending the duration of the guarantee.


All jewelry is guaranteed for 30 days from the date of purchase. It will thus be mentioned on your invoice or on the duplicate invoice which will be provided by the seller. Finally, jewelry warranties only cover material defects or manufacturing defects. If it is established that your jewel has a material or manufacturing defect, Catherine VIVIER will then define the replacement, substitution or repair procedure depending on the availability of spare parts / products or the possible execution of repairs.

Non-application of the guarantee:

Your jewelry warranty does not cover the following:

  • Deformations linked to snagging, stretching, incorrect use, lack of attention, accident or normal wear and tear, the intervention of a third party.

  • Damage caused by the use of chemical substances (perfume, lotion, household products).

  • The replacement of cords, ties and petals of silk and/or fabric.

In the event of the non-application of our guarantee or if your guarantee has expired, Catherine VIVIER remains at your disposal. An estimate on the amount of the necessary repairs will be communicated to you by the designer before any intervention on your product.

No repairs will be carried out without acceptance of an estimate on your part.

Concerning the jewels, their tarnishing is not covered by the guarantee. This is not a manufacturing defect: these are materials that naturally oxidize over time in contact with air, humidity and skin. We therefore recommend that you regularly clean your jewelry. In order to avoid oxidation as much as possible, keep your jewelry in a closed box away from air and light.



The Seller strives to ensure access to and proper functioning of the Site twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

However, the Seller cannot exclude that access to and operation of the Site may be interrupted, in particular in the event of force majeure, malfunctions of the Customers' equipment or internet network, failure of telecommunications operators, interruption of electricity supply , abnormal, illicit or fraudulent use of the Site by a Customer or a third party, decision of the competent authorities, or for any other reason. 

The Seller also reserves the right to make to the Site and the Services all the modifications and improvements of its choice related to technical development or proper functioning.

General and temporary interruptions of the Site will, as far as possible, be notified via the Site before they occur, except when these interruptions are of an emergency nature.


The company Cabinet Pierre de Lune – Catherine VIVIER has, for all stages of access to the site, the ordering process, delivery, customer service or subsequent services, only an obligation of means. Catherine VIVIER cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet network, in particular loss of data, intrusion, virus, interruption of service, and other involuntary problems, or any fact, qualified as force. major, in accordance with case law.

The computerized registers kept in Catherine VIVIER's information systems under reasonable security conditions will be considered as proof of communication, orders and payments made between Catherine VIVIER and the Customer.

Cabinet Pierre de Lune undertakes to perform the services diligently and professionally.

​ Cabinet Pierre de Lune may only be held liable in the event of fault on its part and provided that the Client provides proof of damage that he may have suffered in connection with a fault committed by Cabinet Pierre de Lune.

The Seller's liability cannot be engaged in the event that the non-performance of its obligations is attributable to the Customer, to the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party to the contract or to a case of force majeure within the meaning of article 1218 of the Code. Civil, including, but not limited to, unforeseeable events such as strikes, work stoppages, social unrest, factory closures, floods, fires, production or transport failure not due to his personal fault, breach of supplies, wars, riots, insurrections and more generally any circumstance or event preventing the Seller from properly performing its obligations.

The Seller incurs no liability for any indirect or immaterial damage or prejudice such as financial prejudice, loss of opportunity, loss of profit, loss of contract, loss of order, loss of customers, operating loss, prejudice or disturbance. commercial or image damage, which could result from the delivery of non-compliant or defective Products or the absence of delivery of the Products.

The sale of Products and these General Conditions being in accordance with French legislation, the responsibility of the Seller cannot be engaged in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of another country when the Customer places an order for a Product from from another country.

In any case and in all cases of return, if the responsibility of the Seller were to be retained, it can in no case go beyond the purchase price of the goods paid by the Customer.

In accordance with the provisions of article 2254 of the Civil Code, any legal action by a Customer against the Seller is reached by prescription upon the expiry of a period of one (1) year following the date on which the Customer concerned has knowledge or is presumed to have had knowledge of the harmful event.

Under no circumstances can Cabinet Pierre de Lune be held liable when there is:

  • fault, negligence, omission or failure of the Client such as non-payment for a service in the office or for remote care, fraudulent or inappropriate use of digital content, poor internet connection, etc.

  • fault, negligence, omission or failure of a third party over which Cabinet Pierre de Lune has no power to control or monitor such as the online payment service, the hosting services of the website or the mobile application, Android or IOS mobile download services, etc.

  1. ​The Company implements all measures to ensure the Customer the supply, under optimal conditions, of quality Services. However, it cannot in any case be held liable for any non-performance or poor performance of all or part of the Services provided for in the Contract, which would be attributable either to the Customer, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party unrelated to the Contract, or to a case of force majeure. More generally, if the liability of the Company were to be engaged, it could in no case agree to compensate the Client for consequential damages or whose existence and/or quantum would not be established by evidence.

  2. The Site may contain links to other sites not published or controlled by the Company, which cannot be held responsible for the operation, content or any element present or obtained through these sites.

  3. The establishment of such links or the reference to any information, articles or services provided by a third party, cannot and should not be interpreted as an express or tacit endorsement, by the Company, of these sites and these elements nor of their contents.

  4. The Company is not responsible for the availability of these sites and cannot control their content or validate the advertising, services and other information disseminated on these websites.

  5. It is expressly stipulated that the Company cannot under any circumstances be held responsible, in any way whatsoever, for the case where the computer equipment or the electronic mail of the Customers rejects, for example due to an anti-spam, the e-mails sent by the Company, and in particular, without this list being exhaustive, a copy of the payment ticket and the summary statement of the Order.

  6. Finally, the methods/advice/services offered on the Site are considered as a supplement which cannot in any way replace consultation with a doctor or even appropriate medical treatment. Magnetism is in no way a substitute for medical treatment. The Customer is invited never to interrupt a medical treatment without the advice of a attending physician and in the event of a health problem, it is imperative to consult his attending physician in order to have a diagnosis made and to carry out the recommended medical examinations. .

  7. The Customer is fully aware of the provisions of this article and in particular of the aforementioned guarantees and limitations of liability, essential conditions without which the Company would never have contracted.


The computerized registers, kept in the computer systems of the Seller and its partners under reasonable security conditions, will be considered as proof of the communications and actions of the Customers and the Seller. The archiving of these elements is carried out on a reliable and durable medium so as to correspond to a faithful and durable copy within the meaning of the applicable regulations.

Each Customer acknowledges the evidential value of the Site's automated registration systems and declares that they waive the right to contest them in the event of a dispute.


For more information regarding the use of personal data by the Seller, please carefully read the "Privacy Policy". You can consult this Privacy Policy at any time on the Site.

The use of the contact form leads to the collection of personal and nominative data. The information voluntarily communicated by Internet users and obtained by this site will remain confidential, will not be transferred or made accessible to third parties.

In accordance with the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you, to be exercised on simple request (by mail or e-mail).


The hypertext links available on the Site may refer to third party or partner sites. They are provided solely for the convenience of the Customer, in order to facilitate the use of the resources available on the Internet. If the Customer uses these links, he will leave the Site and will then agree to use the third-party sites at his own risk or, where applicable, in accordance with the conditions which govern them.

In any case, the existence of a hypertext link to the Site from a third party site or on the Site to a third party or partner site cannot engage the responsibility of the Seller for any reason whatsoever and in particular as to the availability, content and products and/or services available on or from this third-party or partner site.

The Customer is not authorized to create on a third party site one or more hypertext links linking to the home page of the Site or to its profile page, except with the prior written authorization of the Seller.


The Seller is the sole owner of all content present on the Site, in particular and without limitation, all texts, files, images, whether animated or not, photographs, videos, logos, designs, models, software, brands, visual identity, database, structure of the Site and all other elements of intellectual property and other data or information which are protected by French and international laws and regulations relating in particular to intellectual property.

Consequently, none of the Content of the Site may in whole or in part be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any other way. , free of charge or against payment, by a Customer or by a third party, whatever the means and/or media used, whether known or unknown to date, without the prior written authorization of the Seller, and the Customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation.

In addition, any extraction, integration, compilation, or use for commercial purposes of information contained in the databases accessible on the Site, as well as any use of software, robots, data mining systems and other collection tools of data is strictly prohibited for Customers.

However, the Seller grants to Customers, subject to compliance by the latter with these General Conditions, a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access the content present on the Site of which it holds full ownership, to download and print them in for personal, non-commercial use. 

The Seller is likely to hold intellectual and/or industrial property rights concerning the Products sold to the Customer. As soon as the Customer becomes aware of an infringement of the Seller's intellectual and/or industrial property rights, he must immediately inform the Seller in writing.



In the event of a one-off sale or in application of special conditions, these General Conditions are applicable for the duration of each sale of Products carried out between the Seller and a Customer or, where applicable, for the duration of the special conditions concluded with a Customer.

In the event of a sale with successive execution, these General Conditions are applicable for an initial period of 1 year. In the absence of denunciation of these General Conditions within a period of 3 months preceding the end of this initial duration, the sale of the Products and the General Conditions are tacitly renewed for a new period of a duration equivalent to the initial duration appearing on the purchase order. order, under the pricing conditions in force on the date of the renewal.

The Seller reserves the right to suspend a Customer's access to the Site permanently or temporarily, in the event of breach by the said Customer of its obligations resulting from these General Conditions.

Furthermore, the Seller or the Customer may terminate the General Conditions as of right in advance by sending a written notification:

– in the event of the occurrence of a case of force majeure as referred to in Article 11;

– after having notified the other party in the event of a serious breach by the latter of its obligations or under the applicable laws and regulations, which has not been remedied within a period of fifteen (15) days (when may be remedied) following written notification indicating the nature of the breach and the need to remedy it.



During the term hereof, each party may become aware of or receive confidential information, documents and/or data about the other party. As a result, each party undertakes, both in its own name and in the name of its employees for whom it is acting strongly, to preserve the strict confidentiality of all confidential information, documents and/or data of any kind in connection with the results, activity or clientele of the other party or any information received or obtained from a party within the framework of the contractual relations established.

This confidentiality agreement of the parties is valid, both for the duration hereof and for a period of two (2) years following their expiration or termination.



Any written notification or summons required or permitted under the stipulations hereof will be validly given if it is sent by letter delivered by hand or by hand against delivery receipt, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, or by electronic mail (except in in the event of termination hereof), addressed to the contact details of the party concerned, each party electing domicile at its registered office.

Any change of contact details of a party for the purposes hereof must be notified to the other party in the manner provided above. 

Notifications sent by hand or by hand will be presumed to have been made on the date of delivery to the recipient, as evidenced by the delivery receipt. Notifications made by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt will be deemed to have been made on the date of their first presentation to the recipient's address. Notifications made by email will be deemed to have been made on the date the email is sent.


17. Responsabilité
18. Système d'enregistrement
19. Données personnelles
20. Liens hypertextes
24. Notifications
25. Autonomie et absence de renonciation
26. Modification
27. Litiges
28. Droits applicables
29. Newsletter
30. Cheque cadeau
31. Archivage / preuve
32. Dispositions Générales


If any of the stipulations of these General Conditions were declared null or inapplicable for any reason whatsoever in application of a law, a regulation or following a court decision that has become final, it would be deemed not to be writing and the other stipulations would remain in force.

The fact that the Seller does not take advantage, temporarily or permanently, of one or more stipulations of the General Conditions shall in no case constitute a waiver.



The Seller reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the content or location of the Site and these General Conditions.

Any use of the Site or order following a modification made to the General Conditions will imply acceptance by each Customer of the said modifications. The most recent and current version of the General Conditions will always be available at the following address:

When the changes made to the General Terms and Conditions are considered substantial, these may be brought to the attention of the Customers by e-mail and must be accepted by them when they next connect to the Site.



Disputes that may arise in the context of the contractual relationship established between the Customer and the Seller must be resolved, as far as possible, amicably.

In the absence of an amicable settlement within a period of one month from the referral of one of the parties, all disputes to which the General Conditions could give rise, concerning their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, their consequences and their suites, will be submitted to the court of Poitiers.



These General Conditions and the resulting operations are governed by and subject to French law. They are written in French. In the event of translation into one or more foreign languages, only the French text shall prevail in the event of a dispute.

The Company can be contacted, at any time, by email at the following email address:  or by phone at the following number +33 (0)678952991

In the event of difficulty arising during the Order, the delivery of the Products and more generally the execution of the sale, the CUSTOMER will have the possibility, before any legal action, to seek an amicable solution, in particular with the assistance from a consumer association or any other counsel of its choice.


  • In the event of a dispute likely to arise on the occasion of the interpretation and/or execution of the present or in relation to the present GTC, the Customer may decide to submit the dispute with the Company to a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution method. The Customer may in particular contact the mediator of the French republic

  • The Customer is informed that:

    • so that the dispute can be examined by the mediator, the Customer must justify that he has made a written complaint to the Company or its customer service and must keep written proof of the steps taken;

    • the request must be well-founded and legitimate.

  • The Client may contact the mediator within a maximum period of one year following his written complaint to the Company.

  • Finally, in the event of failure of this mediation procedure or if the Customer wishes to take legal action, the rules of the Code of Civil Procedure will apply.


  1. The mediator will attempt, in complete independence and impartiality, to bring the parties together with a view to reaching an amicable solution. The parties remain free to accept or refuse recourse to mediation as well as, in the event of recourse to mediation, to accept or refuse the solution proposed by the mediator. “The dispute may be submitted to a consumer mediator, which you can identify on the mediation-conso website”.

  2. In addition, if you are a consumer, you can enter the Online Dispute Resolution Platform 



By ticking the box provided for this purpose or by expressly agreeing to this end, the Client accepts that the Company may send him, at a frequency and in a form determined by the Client, a newsletter (newsletter) which may contain information relating to its activity.

When the Customer ticks the box provided for this purpose in the registration process on the Site to place the Order, he agrees to receive commercial offers from the Company for services similar to those ordered.

Subscribed Customers will be able to unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on the link provided for this purpose, present in each of the newsletters (newsletters).


  • The use of gift vouchers and gift cards implies full acceptance of these general conditions of use.

  • To use Gift Vouchers : present the Gift Voucher at the checkout and complete if necessary with the accepted payment method of your choice. 

  • Gift Vouchers are not subject to change. Their use is the responsibility of the Client or the Beneficiary carrying it, as the case may be.

  • Gift Vouchers may not be nominative

  • Gift certificates are non-transferable and resale is prohibited.

  • Gift Vouchers cannot be refunded, even partially, nor credited to a card or bank account, nor subject to a discount, nor exchangeable for cash.

  • No replacement will be provided if a gift certificate is lost, stolen, destroyed or used without authorization.

  • The beneficiary is solely responsible for the use of his gift voucher and/or gift card, which cannot be replaced or refunded in the event of loss, theft, deterioration, destruction or expiry of the date. validity. Any exchange request made by a person other than the requesting Customer (in particular by the Beneficiaries) cannot be accepted.

  • Gift certificates must not be combined with other coupons and are not valid with other offers or promotions.

  • Gift Vouchers are valid until the expiry date indicated on the Gift Vouchers.


  1. Catherine VIVIER will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a faithful copy in accordance with the provisions of article 1348 of the Civil Code.

  2. Catherine VIVIER's computerized registers will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.


  • Force majeure –The parties agree to recognize as cases of force majeure any event meeting the criteria defined by the case law of the Court of Cassation in application of article 1218 of the civil code as soon as these events prevent the execution of the GCS by the party. who invokes it.

The performance by Catherine Vivier of all or part of its obligations, in particular delivery, will be suspended in the event of the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure which would hinder or delay its performance. Are considered as such, in particular, without this list being exhaustive, war, riots, insurrection, social unrest, strikes of all kinds. Catherine VIVIER will inform CUSTOMERS of the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure within seven days of its occurrence. In the event that this suspension continues beyond a period of fifteen days, the CUSTOMER will have the option of canceling the order in progress, and the price of the Products ordered and the delivery costs paid will then be reimbursed.


  • Autonomy of clauses –If any provision of these T&Cs or its application to any person or circumstance is deemed invalid, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provisions of these T&Cs.

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