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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Livres volants


Whether you want to discover the sessions to do you good or whether you plan to make it your job, our training courses are there to make your dreams come true!

Following the many requests that you have sent to me, I am pleased to offer you a cycle of monthly spiritual teaching workshops “Self-knowledge”.

These workshops have, as you requested, the vocation to accompany you in your spiritual quest, your elevation of consciousness, the integration of your spirituality in your daily life.

  • Do you want to engage in a real spiritual process without getting lost in useless detours?

  • Are you tired of wandering the Web caught up in new topics without ever really knowing which is the right path... and suddenly, you go around in circles?

  • You want to share and exchange with other benevolent people engaged in a spiritual process and/to obtain support.

Each month, you are offered a theme of spiritual teaching and meditative and vibrational work beyond the mind.

These workshops are intended to be initiatory but outside of any religious framework.
Beyond the mental knowledge made of beliefs and non-integrated knowledge, you will access the vibration in accordance with the transmission of the moment to integrate it into your bodies.

The content is suitable for everyone, beginners, insiders, advanced. I am committed to making teaching simple and accessible. Thus, you are accompanied to progress serenely in your spiritual awakening.

The rules for participating in this spiritual teaching are:

Kindness, non-judgment, listening, respect, sharing... and confidentiality.

With 22 years of support in personal and spiritual development and healing, these workshops can help you understand the learning that life offers you and bring clarity to the spiritual teaching in progress in your life journey at the present moment. .
The trainer will share with you the fruit of her reflections, experiences, channels and her own tips, since she is asked to transmit.
What you will receive each month will be good, fair and useful for the overall evolution of your Being.

Throughout the accompaniments, you benefit from your divine free will and you gain in responsibility.

  • Create means and resources to better live your awakening, your spirituality and/or your mediumship within the family, romantic, social, professional framework

  • Succeed in moving from a separate mode: “on one side, there is spirituality and on the other, my daily life” to an integrated mode where “spirituality and daily life are one”

  • Finally get out of the isolation, the loneliness that your life experience has generated and this feeling of being unsuitable, insufficient, socially and/or politically unacceptable.

These workshops take place face-to-face or in the form of Web-workshops. Thus, they are accessible to everyone, regardless of your location in France or elsewhere in the world.
This allows you to be free to choose where and when to dedicate this time for yourself.


Introspective journey

Qu'est-ce que l'éveil ? - Les mondes invisibles - Dépasser ses peurs et croyances limitantes
Les protection - Le lâcher-prise - Le pouvoir de l'intuition
Gérer ses émotions - Estime de soi - L'Ego
Les chakras : les bases
S'ancrer, se protéger, se nettoyer - Se libérer de son mental - Ouvrir son 3ème Oeil
Développer ses capacités extrasensorielles
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