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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Release of memories
Karmic & Transgenerational

Some of our current difficulties may stem fromtraumatic life events, but they can also have their source in our past lives, in our old memories.

We are therefore the fruit of experiences, emotions and various conditionings from our previous lives, but also of values transmitted by the education we have received. Many feel fears, anxieties, anger, blockages, etc. some relive the same life experiences, the same difficult situations over and over again, without really succeeding in transmuting these energies.

As a result, most of the difficulties you encounter in your life, whether relational, professional, family, or romantic, and which have their origins in the distant past, will engram the various subtle information in your Aura, your energy bodies, your DNA..., blocking the free circulation of vital energy in You, and which by resonance and/or mirror play, make you attract these painful experiences into your life, despite all the work you have could do to you.

A memory release treatment corresponds to the release ofsoul woundsand the energetic dissolution of specific nodes.

"Cleanse the energies of its near and distant past to better live its present, here and now..."

Qu'est-ce qu'une mémoire transgénérationelle, karmique ou cellulaires?
What is a transgenerational memory?


These memories can originate in our past, our childhood, our intra-uterine life, but also from our previous lives. They can also be the result of a transgenerational inheritance. That is to say transmitted hereditarily by our ancestors.

During the treatment, it is a question of bringing to consciousness all your transgenerational shadows, to free yourself from your conditioning,

excessive attachments, relational and limiting beliefs, to which you are attached.

In this accompaniment, there is liberation from the obstacles that block your evolution, in links to the ancestors, liberation from the weight of your inner being, in order to find who you really are.

transgenerational knot  corresponds to the memory of an experience not integrated by an ancestor, which is involuntarily transmitted to his descendants via genetics.

Examples:Reproduction of a family pattern in which women of the same line are all victims of a miscarriage during their first pregnancy.

What is a karmic memory?


In the karmic principle, the destiny of a living and conscious being is determined by the totality of his past actions and his previous lives.

Karma is a bit like a suitcase that we carry from life to life, and which permeates the whole of our cells (karmic memories).

​ These karmic memories leave an imprint in our cells, in our subtle bodies. During our past lives, information crystallized and imprinted itself in our cells. This information corresponds to everything that has not been accepted, finished, digested in our past lives. This is how we can relive, several times, the same situations, traumas or patterns of life.

Problems related to karmic memories can lead to repetitive situations and patterns, emotional problems, fears, blockages, health and psychological damage, etc.​

A karmic knot  corresponds to the memory of a past experience or a soul wound related to your current incarnation or a previous life, and which has toxic or limiting repercussions in your present.

Examples: Trauma, crime, abandonment, injustice, betrayal, illness, accident, vows of poverty or chastity…

What is a cellular memory?

The body is an extraordinary, stunning machine, capable of regulating itself, of transforming, of memorizing… It is often seen as an obstacle, whereas it is your precious ally. All your experience and that of your lineages is stored in the depths of your cells.

Since your conception, everything that has happened around you has been recorded in your body. The baby that you were has memorized in the depths of him his experience, his emotions, as well as the experience of those around him that he has made his own. (The baby is in close contact with his environment and therefore captures everything 7 days a week, 24 hours a day). Your body remembers EVERYTHING, often in a sleepy way. Then, one day… the memory wakes up.

This experience leaves traces (like ink pads) that can wake up at any time in your life.

The human being grows from his experience, relying on his beliefs and his modes of functioning, those of his family, his culture, his karmic lives, so many factors which multiply cellular memories. Of course, most of this happens unconsciously. The body stores the good as “the bad”.

Your past is contained in your cells, like a program in a computer. The body contains a database where everything is registered. Both what you experienced, understood, felt and what your ancestors experienced. Everyone knows how heavy it is to carry certain family stories even without having personally experienced them.

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​ Other info on the BLOG:

Karmic memories

Indications générales

“Our trials always contribute to our development when we see them as opportunities to correct past errors or to acquire wisdom and understanding. - Edgar CAYCE.


Everything is therefore inscribed in the memory of the cells, and this is expressed by emotional blockages or physical problems.

  • Spotting repeated failures

  • Feeling of blockage

  • Relationship difficulties

  • ​ Life choice difficulties

  • Repetitive family pattern...

Cellular memory concerns:

  • lack of self-confidence

  • anger

  • sadness

  • the Depression

  • unexplained baby crying

  • Fears

  • anxieties

  • the stress

  • skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, warts

  • digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, irritable colon…

  • migraines

  • joint pain...

During a memory release treatment, the treatment of soul wounds and the energetic dissolution of your various nodes are associated with cellular deprogramming to put an end to the repetition of your wounds.

The successof such a process does not depend solely on my abilities, since yourpersonal involvement, through an awareness, associated with a work of acceptance and forgiveness carried out in parallel with the care, issimply essential.

Dans nos cellules, nous portons :


  • OBLIGATIONS, INTERDITS, CONDITIONNEMENTS transmis par les parents et les codes sociaux : il faut que…  tu dois…  tu es obligé(e)…  tu n’as pas le droit de…  ça ne se fait pas…  si tu fais ça tu seras (puni)…  que vont dire les autres…  tu n’as pas honte!

  • PEURS, ÉCHECS, SECRETS, traumatismes, non dits, colères, frustrations, séparations... accumulés depuis mon enfance, celles de mes ancêtres et celles venant d’autres vies.

  • CONTRATS D’ÂME, VŒUX, PACTES, accords, promesses, serments, allégeance… passés entre toutes les parties de mon être avec moi-même, avec d’autres personnes ou des énergies sombres ainsi que tous ceux de mes ancêtres.

  • BLESSURES de l'âme, trahisons, injustices, humiliations, rejets, abandons, impuissances

  • MORTS : fausses couches, avortements, deuils non faits, enfants morts nés, jumeau perdu, morts violentes, suicides, syndrome du gisant…

  • LOYAUTÉS, les CROYANCES inconscientes de mes ancêtres et celles venant de mes autres incarnations.

  • MAGIE, MALÉDICTIONS et ses implications


"Autant de programmes qui perturbent ma vie et que je peux lâcher, dégager et libérer !"

Pourquoi nettoyer ses mémoires ?

Tant que mémoires, karmas, loyauté familiales… m’entravent. On n'est pas soi-même, car nous obéissons inconsciemment à nos programmes cellulaires.

Travailler sur ses mémoires, c’est permettre à son Moi divin, son Être Intérieur de s’exprimer à travers notre personnalité propre, en se redonnant le POUVOIR DE CHOISIR.

Nous récupérons la souveraineté, la liberté, conscient des illusions et des schémas qui nous entravent.

"Libérer mes mémoires =

je mets en lumière mes zones d’ombre

je lâche mes souffrances

je donne du sens à ce que je vis

je cesse de subir et je redeviens libre et en santé"

What happens during a session ?


The treatment begins with the sending of a questionnaire, which covers the various topics covered in the session.The 1st session begins with a moment of exchange taking up the questionnaire, allowing you to identify your problem and your objectives, and therefore to adapt the treatment(s) according to your needs._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

For this, you are comfortably  lying down with your eyes closed. We work on your energy body.

​ Each session ends with a time of "feedback", during which the client shares his feelings.

This treatment must always be preceded by an energy treatment to rebalance the energies before starting the Liberation of memories treatment sessions.

The frequency of care will vary from one person to another according to their expectations and needs. Often, I invite consultants to let 3 weeks pass before resuming an appointment. "Time to put things

Treatments can cause a little fatigue depending on what is released during the session.

+ info

In office or remotely


1st session: 1h30

Other session(s):1 hour

Number of sessions: 

This service takes place on3 to 4 sessions,see more, spaced 21 days apart. The number of treatments needed may vary depending on your situation.


Followed :UA follow-up consultation should ideally be scheduled no later than 6 months after the last session, in order to measure your progress together.

Indicative price:In office or remotely

Adult: €60/prior "anamnesis" session

2nd and 3rd session: 55€

4th session: 50€

Choisir RUBRIQUE :

Soins Thématiques

Soin Libération des mémoires

« Ce que tu fuis te poursuit, ce à quoi tu fais face s’efface »

Double action au cours de la séance
Double psychological and energetic action during sessions

Memory Release treatments allow you to:

  • Access some of your mmemorieswhich are at the origin of the disorders and repetitive patterns that pollute your daily life, in order to transmute them,

  • Untie transgenerational or karmic knotslinked to several memories of this life or past lives, which manifest themselves in problems that come up repeatedly in this period of your life,

  • Manage blockages, Ithe wounds inscribed in your cellular memories

  • youreleasedes charges, negative or limiting programming of your present life, and past lives both on the level of individual karma and transgenerational.

  • Yourelease patterns from the past, memoriescellular…

  • To cleanyour cellular memories,

  • Youreleasepossiblewishes(vows of poverty, vows of chastity, vows of no love, vows of silence, etc.) that hinder you,

  • spotlight and youget rid of beliefsand limiting perceptions, etc. 

  • work on yourself,at the level of personal development, to see more clearly in a situation, to understand, transform and help to live through difficult current situations


karmic cleansingconsists of cutting, dissolving and releasing our energy structure in the face of blocking situations, either linked to our own history of past lives, or by our ancestors left as an energy imprint on the entire family line.

Image de Peter Conlan
Soin en présentiel ou à distance ? ?

You can carry out your energy treatment face-to-face in Vouneuil sur Vienne or remotely.

Since the treatment takes place on the energy body of the person, and the energy is available at all times (for those who know how to capture it), this treatment is just as effective from a distance.

The discussion prior to the treatment is carried out by video or telephone, with you, then you will receive the karmic treatment remotely, while you are comfortably installed at home.

Protocole de libérations de mémoires
Protocol for clearing karmic memories

This quantum protocol uses verbal injunctions, in other words, the power of the creative verb and the power of words. By speaking sentences in consciousness, it is possible to purify and release karma.


It is important to bring information into the cells with the vibration of the voice, the Japanese researcher Masaru EMOTO has demonstrated  the influence on the cells that the vibration of the voice gave to words and words_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ intentions.


By cleaning karmic memories at your own pace, and respecting the integration time (24 hours to 3 weeks), you will lighten and unblock your life for a long time.

To respect your rhythm is to manifest in your life the love for you, the gentleness and the benevolence that you deserve.

Love is the most powerful liberating energy there is. Feeling it about you can change your energy vibration dramatically.



The different stages of each theme:

  • preparation for karmic release.

  • the 4 stages of memory cleaning, slag, pollution, fingerprints, programming

  • the 4 stages of integration, new positive information, pacification of soul ties, cells, DNA, subatomic.

  • the 2 stages of harmonization.

  • post-release: hydration, healing crisis rare, but possible.

Plusieurs thèmes évoqués lors du protocole

This care protocol is divided into several themes. This method is for all people who want to free themselves from injuries related to:

  • karmic relationships, transgenerational liberation (on the maternal or paternal side). For the family, a loved one, a companion, a companion.

  • Feminine, Masculine, Sexuality

  • the 5soul wounds(Rejection, Abandonment, Humiliation, Betrayal, Injustice)

  • the relationship with the other (Pacts, marriages, emotional Dependence, wishes of Healer, Witch, Sacrifice, Slavery, Weapons and Poisons, etc.)

  • Freedom to be Self (Fear of loving, of being happy, of being free, etc.)

  • the inability or problem to manifest one's path (self-confidence, self-esteem, abundance, life mission, projects, etc.)

  • the place of life

Faut-il faire un soin énergétique complet ou un soin de libération des mémoires ?


If you have never taken care of your energy body, we advise you to first do acomplete energy treatment, in order to remove the pollution and energy blockages accumulated in this life or in karmic and transgenerational.

But if in doubt,do not hesitate to contact uscontacthasend of discussing it.

A time of awareness and understanding

By talking, we explore your problem together and I analyze your energy structure and any karmic intricacies.

A time of rebalancing and energy harmonization

Through a rebalancing of the chakras, subtle bodies, anchoring and alignment.

A time of
auric cleansing

Energetic, emotional, mental cleansing, depending on what there is to work on.

A time of
karmic release

Where you are fully active and in respect of free will in the releases that take place.

If you wish to be aware of what there is to release, before embarking on these sessions, apast life and karmic readingmay be necessary before starting this process. Reading is a service performed remotely.
It is important to understand that certain situations repeat themselves to lead us to understand what must be done, for real change.

These sessions are made to accompany you on this journey.

The memory release treatment also frees future generations by cutting off transgenerational memories.


Are you ready for this inner journey?

The karmic treatments offered are energy treatments that will work not only on yourego energy structure(related to your current life), but above all and essentially onyour karmic energy structureto liberate and cleanse it of the imprints of these negative ancestral memories.


Karmic and transgenerational memories carry within them the story of your soul and/or that of your family. It is for this reason that embarking on karmic work is not trivial. During the accompaniment, this work will come to awaken in you, unknown stories to release them. It is going to reveal to you a part of the story of your soul which is not that of your present life, but which is nevertheless to be taken within you, notably from an emotional point of view, and sometimes in consciousness, so that the freeing and cleaning work can be carried out correctly.

For this reason it isimportant not to take it lightly in karmic and transgenerational care or by thinking that the release of memories takes place as if by magic and without "pain".During this work, I am only a guide, among your guides. I feel these memories and hurts and I "channel" for you to direct your energies, your thoughts and your emotions in the right directions so that we can go and contact these memories to work on them. You alone have the power to open the doors that come before us. Only you, guided by my explanations, have the power, then, to take into you "through your heart" the energetic content of these memories to release them and send them back to the light. 

It is not for nothing that the trip usually requires several sessions. It is necessary well that, to treat the whole of the plans and the hearts concerned. So don't expect a result after one session.    

This care does not obey any pre-established protocol, since it is entirely dependent on your situation and the particular work that is to be carried out. During the treatment sessions, we never have the possibility of understanding in advance what they will be about. Your guides determine the meaning of the work according to your current reality. Only they understand exactly how your different issues are linked, and to what extent they involve your family, your loved ones, or more generally your soul family.  

Also, if you directly embark on an energy work of cleaning or liberation, you mustbe aware of the mental letting go that this will require of you. Some people are ready for this work, without preamble, because they are naturally in trust and letting go. But often, the people who consult me are asking for explanations that the care is not able to provide them. They are looking for mental reassurances, whereas for energetic accompaniment everything must mainly be experienced by the heart and the emotional.


Because you consult me for injuries, blockages and discomfort, we work on the energies at the origin of these. These are rarely positive memories and the work will almost systematically solicit your mental and emotional feelings by going to awaken painful points on these two levels.

  • If you consult me for a lack of self-confidence, you will probably be confronted with the theme of confidence and doubt.

  • If you consult me for fears, anxieties can come up during the work of liberation.

  • If it's a family weight that weighs on you, that weight will probably be part of the job. So choose the right moment to carry out this support and consider it over a certain period of time.​


I remind you that in karmic matters, we do not have the hand to determine the work to be done. It is your guides who show us the way, taking into account what is possible to achieve.

Êtes-vous prêt pour ce voyage intérieur ?
Prepare your Memory Release treatment!

I remind you once again that the success of such a process does not depend solely on my mediumistic and energetic capacities since your personal involvement, via an awareness associated with a work of acceptance and forgiveness carried out in parallel with the care, is simply essential.

Although my technique is different, the course of the treatment and the installation advice are similar to those of theenergy healing.

Soin l'unité ou en formule
Individual or formula treatment

Orders for karmic care and cleansing are subject to the prior completion of an "anamnesis" treatment to validate the treatment protocol:

  • your sensitivity to energies;

  • the possibility or not of going to carry out work in the direction of your request;

  • the problems, such as your guides present them to us, and on which we will work during the karmic accompaniment;

  • the way in which you may be solicited in conscience to accompany the work.


Following this preliminary care which helps us to determine the content of the work, as it presents itself, it is possible to switch to a formula composed of several sessions (3 or 4 session formula), by adjusting the balance to be paid(so you don't pay more in the end).


The forms of care offered, subject to prior completion of a unit care :


Once again, it should not be summed up in Karma, I also practice other treatments on the emotional, mental layers, etc.Learn more


You can order your treatment directly from the unit, via the book online tab, and send me your contact details and date of birth via the contact form. I will let you know within 24 hourshistory-questionnairewhich will allow me to take note of your request.


Any practice must be accompanied by clear and consistent ethics. LEARN MORE

The use of the care of a holistic therapist should not, in any case, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if one notes an improvement during or after the accompaniment...


Recourse to the care of a holistic therapist should not, under any circumstances, lead to the abandonment or modification of the medical treatment in progress, even if an improvement is observed during or after the accompaniment. As such, I am declared and respect a certain code of ethics: I respect professional secrecy.

I do not formulate a diagnosis, do not interrupt any treatment and do not oppose any surgical operation.

I am and I remain a free electron, I do not belong to any religious or sectarian movement.

I respect everyone's traditions and beliefs. Notify me in advance of any medical contraindications.

Many expect the practice of magnetism as the saviour! The magnetizer is not WIZARD.  Magnetism is an aid, an accompaniment, a sharing and a rebalancing of energy, so that its clients can accomplish themselves. Success depends above all on you.

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A holistic therapist is neither a doctor nor a pharmacist

​ Magnetism is only a complement to traditional medicine and should in no way replace it. ​ The client must consult his doctor and follow his medical treatment.


No obligation of result, but we   are committed to doing our best to help you.

No credit, and no refunds will be given. The client is responsible for his decision to contact me and accepts the warnings andthe general conditions.

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