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The care described on this site in no way replaces medical or psychotherapeutic treatment, when your state of health requires it. However, they can ideally intervene in addition to traditional medicine.
Do not discontinue medical treatment without your doctor's permission.

My approach considers the human being as a whole (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It is calledholistic therapy.
As alternative medicine, it is not intended to replace allopathic medicine. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  

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Also called BIO-ENERGY
position yoga sur fond bleu

The  energy treatments allow :

  • to provide general well-being,

  • better physical resistance,

  • to relax deeply,

  • to relieve stress and pain,

  • to revitalize body and mind,

  • stimulate the immune system,

  • to activate the energy system,

  • to balance the subtle energies of the body,

  • help eliminate toxins,

  • a benefit on the psychological level:  states of malaise, anxieties, anxieties, insomnia, shocks, stress… but also depressive states and phobias.

What is that ?

When we experience traumas, events and situations that affect us, this causes turbulence or slowing down of the energy rhythm which can result in all kinds of imbalances. Sometimes mental, emotional and physical discomfort.


Energy care therefore helps to maintain the overall health of the being, in its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions.

Energy treatments can removeenergiesnegative effects (clearing dark thoughts, negative mental processes, etc.) and reharmonizing a patient's energy circuits. Among these treatments are the cranial energy healingsuitable for people who are stressed, anxious, etc. and  body energy care (ENERGETIC, ENERGETIC+, ENERGETIC+ COMBO). This allows the body to recharge and the thoughts to be more fluid and light.

Energy care can also be more specific by focusing on issues related to certain blockages, due tobriefs, problematic offertility, pregnancyor related toweight issues, or evenchild...


Remote energy healing


Theremote energy sessionsupports the whole of being physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It aims to relieve various ailments such as stress, fatigue, the immune system, etc.

Body energy treatment

Our whole life is imprinted in our body. Thus, all trauma, stress and shock are locked there. Body energy care allows you to erase the imprints of your experiences. This treatment brings relaxation, while opening you up to other possibilities and life choices.  

Energy healingact on the globality of the being and contribute to relaunch theself-healing process. They are to be used in addition to other treatments.

  • "Nervous" disorders: Fears, stress, anxiety, anxieties,

  • Sleeping troubles,

  • Depression, discouragement, great fatigue,

  • Frustration, 

  • Addictions: Alcohol, tobacco, etc. Learn more

  • Loss of libido,

  • Energy and emotional disorders, whether or not consecutive to chemotherapy

  • Fibromyalgia


Some of my treatments are enriched by the use oflithotherapy. I use pebbles of minerals which reharmonize the energy centers.


The different energy treatments

ENERGETIC +(Chakra Balancing):Basic energy treatment + rebalancing of the energy centers
ENERGETIC treatment 
  • Elimination of negative emotions,

  • Cleaning of used energies,

  • Revival of energy circulation

Associated with a rebalancing:

  • Harmonization of energy centers,

  • possibleuse of stones during treatment

General work, without deepening specific issues. Maintenance work.

If in-depth work, seePSYCHO-ENERGETIC support Where

RELEASE of cellular, karmic & transgenerational MEMORIES

Adult price:50€

Child price -10 years old: 45€

ENERGETIC + AURA(Energetic Aura Healing):Basic care + energy rebalancing and re-harmonization
ENERGETIC treatment 
  • Elimination of negative emotions,

  • Cleaning of used energies,

  • Revival of energy circulation

Associated with a rebalancing:

  • Harmonization of energy centers,

  • Refocusing the subtle bodies

  • Ppossibility of using stones during treatment

If in-depth work, see



Adult price:55€

Child rate -10 years old: 50€

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  You are living in a situation that raises questions for you, you are ready to move forward and free yourself.


Sleep disorder, anxiety, stress

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Adult price: 50€

ENERGETIC+ COMBO(Energetic purification of people): Basic care + energy rebalancing + deworming 

ENERGETIC treatment 

  • Elimination of negative emotions,

  • Cleaning of used energies,

  • Revival of energy circulation


Associated with rebalancing

  • Harmonization of energy centers,

  • Refocusing of the subtle bodies,

  • Use of stones during treatment


& deworming:

  • Elimination of parasites, larvae, etc.

  • Entity release


Adult price: 85€

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You have a problem to solve and you are ready to dive into the depths of your being to reveal who you really are.


In-depth work on specific issues:

  • relationship difficulties,

  • Grief,

  • Difficult passage of life

  • Difficult childbirth,

  • Conflicts,

  • family upheavals,

  • Child/Ado with difficulty managing their emotions,

  • etc

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Adult rate: 60€

Child price - 10 years old: 55€

cellular, karmic & transgenerational(cellular deprogramming/reprogramming)

In-depth work on specific issues:

  • Spotting repeated failures

  • Feeling of blockage

  • Lack of self-confidence

  • Anger, sadness, fear,

  • Etc.

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Adult rate: 60€

Other KARMIC treatments
Design support, PMA...

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fertilité grossesse

What happens during a session ?


I start the session with a moment of discussion;

then, the energy treatment lasts from 20 minutes to 40 minutes and ends with a time of "feedback", during which the patient shares his feelings.

The session takes place in a lying position. I will feel the negative energies with my hands, remove them, and then replace them with positive energies. Then, I will  restart the energy circulation of the body.

The frequency of energy treatments will vary from one person to another according to their expectations and needs. Often, I invite consultants to let 3 weeks pass before resuming an appointment. "Time to set things straight"


​ During their first session, a fewpeople feelVery stronglyvital energy.For others, the perception may seem minimal. We often feel tingling or heat. 

+ info


1st session about 1 hour

Next session 35 to 40 mins

Number of session(s)  and pperiodicity: 

This decision is completely personal.  Each person is unique and has their own integration time. The results will necessarily be different between 1 session, 4 sessions or 1 session every 7 weeks.


You are free to decide for yourself the frequency of meetings according to your objectives and your pace. However, the 2nd session session will always be spaced 21 days from the 1st.

Remote care (see + below)- Shift :

According to needs and on estimate.

Guérison par l'énergie
Thérapie Reiki
ENERGETIC+ COMBO(Energetic purification of people): Basic care + energy rebalancing + deworming 

ENERGETIC treatment 

  • Elimination of negative emotions,

  • Cleaning of used energies,

  • Revival of energy circulation


Associated with rebalancing

  • Harmonization of energy centers,

  • Refocusing of the subtle bodies,

  • Use of stones during treatment


& deworming:

  • Elimination of parasites, larvae, etc.

  • Entity release


Adult price: 85€

Learn more

Remote energy healing

Soins énergétiques à distance
How it works ?

An ancestral, effective and natural method of treatment that still attracts more and more people.

One of the particularities of energy treatments is to be able to act remotely.

Remote magnetism is an excellent complementary practice to a main therapeutic treatment.

The world uses the mobile phone, television, radio, internet every day... without asking the question of how it works but, it doubts a "remote energy care"._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_

A radio is able to pick up different frequencies, the waves are therefore very present around us without disturbing each other. Our brain is like this radio set...

In this ocean of energy, nothing really separates us, we are all connected, we are beings made of energy, intertwined in an energetic world that goes beyond matter, the physical barriers that we perceive.

Energies have no limitations of time and space.

Remote careis obviously an energy treatment that involves the connection of a "transmitter" (the person who sends the energy) and a "receiver" (the one who receives the treatment). The effects are therefore the same as in the office.

We can speak of connection on the energy level, in other words, the therapist connects with the person's energy body through the play of consciousness.

Remote care is effective insofar as we are not limited to the limits of matter, we interact on a deeper level which concerns the subtle energy of the person.

The energy body is linked to the physical body, its vibrations obey rules that go beyond those of matter.

The energy knots and blockages located in the field of the receiver are put to the test: the subtle energy will indeed act on the deficiencies or insufficiencies which undermine the unity and the coherence of his energy field.

By acting on the quantum level, the treatment frees and strengthens the person's energy system like a cell that recharges frequencies that were missing until then.

Remote energy sessions may include: 

  • A reading of the energy body

  • Auric treatment

  • A Complete Holistic Scan and Rebalance 

  • A global revival of energies

  • A work of research and reduction of problems

  • A progressive detoxification

  • An emotional, mental, hormonal, energetic harmonization

A report of the session by SMS or on the phone

Regenerate life force​​

The state of health depends on many factors including blood and energy circulation, one being linked to the other.

If you have noticed a slowing down of the body, chronic fatigue or an emotional blockage, these techniques can by reviving the vital force provide concrete and rapid solutions. 

A precise scan and the repeated energy emission during the follow-up, as it is thought here, make it possible to trigger the process of harmonization and to clearly improve the feelings of the people.

Important before ordering a care for a third person read well  this:

If you want  order caring for another person( adult),I absolutely need his consent.

First of all, ask him for his agreement and only if you have it (I will in no case try to convince people to do a treatment)

Send me an SMS specifying the name, the problem and the telephone number  of the person to be treated.

If the work concerns a child who is not yours, I will need the agreement of at least one of the two parents.

Send me an SMS specifying me name, first name of the child, date of birth, the problem, name of the parent and the telephone number.

Once I have the person's agreement, I will send you a message so that you can order the care remotely.

Ancre 1

How to connect? 

1 - Any remote session begins with a telephone contact

This exchange is necessary because it allows me to understand your problems in order to guide me as best as possible.

2 - Upon receipt of your photo, surname, first name, date of birth, address and problem, we agree together on a date and a treatment schedule. 

On the day of the appointment, you plan to be quiet at home, no matter where you are, I connect to you by intention and the treatment begins.

  • You choose a quiet place, a corner of your garden, a pleasant room...

  • You can create an atmosphere conducive to the reception of energies, if you wish: light a small candle, put a little incense, a musical background.

If you can't be calm, the treatment will work, but you won't feel the same way.

  • You make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down, remember to take a small blanket

  • You turn off your phone

  • You drink a glass of water before and after the treatment and keep a glass of water with you if necessary, so as to hydrate you, the water will carry the vibratory information of the treatment  

  • You connect to the care by simply emitting the intention to receive it, if you have a particular intention to direct this care, simply say it and ask that the energy responds to your request.

  • You can visualize the area and see it regenerating, project yourself positively, the power of creative visualization

  • You relax, welcome and flow and maybe even fall asleep

3 - What you experience is similar to face-to-face care: your vibratory rate will rise and this can bring you to a modified state of consciousness and drowsiness, you may feel various sensations (heat, cold, chills, vibration, tingling, tingling , etc...).

The sensations felt are different from one person to another. It is also possible that you do not feel any sensation, this does not mean that the energy has not been transmitted. 

4 - After about 45 to 60 minutes, you come back to yourself quietly, drink a little water, (hydrate yourself well 24 hours after the treatment), if you fell asleep during the session, you can continue to sleep naturally, take the time it will take 

The effects can be the same as for a session in the practice: appeasement, relaxation, feeling of being relieved of a weight, renewed energy, etc...

The energy sent stimulates healing processes, on a physical, emotional and mental level.

Once the treatment is over, the effects of the session continue to occur naturally in the days following the session.

Be careful, results can show up where you least expect them.

It is also possible, and this is true for all sessions, to feel less well for a few days. Called a healing crisis, this state reflects significant changes and a profound re-harmonization of your body.

Reiki traitement


Toute pratique doit s'accompagner d'une éthique clair et cohérente... EN SAVOIR +

Le recours aux soins et prestations d'un praticien en thérapie alternative ne doit, en aucun cas, entrainer l'abandon ou la modification du traitement médical en cours, ni se substituer à un traitement prescrit par un médecin



Le recours aux soins d'un praticien en thérapie alternative ne doit, en aucun cas, entrainer l'abandon ou la modification du traitement médical en cours, même si l'on constate une amélioration pendant ou après l'accompagnement. A ce titre, je suis déclarée et respecte une certaine déontologie : je respecte le secret professionnel.

Je ne formule pas de diagnostic, n’interrompt aucun traitement et ne m'oppose à aucune opération chirurgicale.

Je n'appartiens à aucun mouvement religieux, sectaire.

Je respecte les traditions et croyances de chacun. Me prévenir au préalable de toute contre-indications médicales.

Beaucoup attendent la pratique d'un thérapeute en médecine alternative comme le sauveur ! Je ne suis pas MAGICIENNE. Cette pratique est une aide, un accompagnement, un partage et un rééquilibrage d’énergie, pour que ses clients puissent s’accomplir. La réussite dépend avant tout de vous.

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Un praticien en thérapie alternative n'est ni un médecin, ni un pharmacien

Cette pratique n'est qu'un complément de la médecine traditionnelle et ne doit en aucun cas la remplacer. ​Le client devra obligatoirement consulter son médecin et suivre son traitement médical.


Aucune obligation de résultat, mais nous  nous engageons à faire notre maximum pour vous aider.

Pas de crédit, et aucun remboursement ne seront accordés. Le client est responsable de sa décision de me solliciter et accepte les mises en garde et les conditions générales.

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